Oh no ma’am i don’t handle fecal material.
These are not my cats, and this is not my house. As we stand now, she should be thanking me for taking her trash out every day (i don’t eat here and produce no trash), making her bed, power washing her house and driveway, doing her dishes (i produce no dirty dishes), vacuuming (all pet dander), saving her from spending $9,000 on a new HVAC system she was almost tricked into buying, keeping her car maintained, bringing her back free food when i eat out. On and on.
Indeed, the only reason i am here is because I’m not pounding the pavement anymore looking for an apartment after having lost faith and money on fake rental ad fees.
She does absolutely nothing for me but create problems. She was handed this house for free and blew what money she had left in her inheritance. Now she is delighted that I’m a SO because that keeps me living here… so she can continue to use me where she can. But i draw the line at touching cat shit.
Instead, what you would be asking if you weren’t a disfunctional cat lady freak yourself is: wtf is she doing letting bags of cat shit collect in the corner of a room?
Is she sick? Mental? Indeed, she is, but when you truly know her and what she is like, any sympathy you might have for her (as you would for elderly with similar problems) turns to disgust. She is the equivalent of a sick farm animal that should be collected by the state and taken care of, and no family member - especially me with MY problems - should be obligated to suffer her.
I’m sorry you are a wing-nut and believe what you do, but I don’t owe this piece of shit anything. In fact, i should sue her for smoking when she was pregnant, but i can’t prove the poison from the cigarettes is what caused my leg length discrepancy that has plagued me my entire life.
But would i need to prove it? One could ask: what kind of an irresponsible imbecile smokes when she’s pregnant.
Should my old man have followed through and strangled her back in the 70s. That’s the question. Or should the clock radio thrown at her by the daughter of the husband from the second failed marriage that hit her in the head have killed her.
Really i gotta keep my eye on the end game and somehow make sure she isn’t taken to a elderly home in a wheelbarrow in which case this house gets possessed by the bank she has the reverse mortgage with. If that happens, i don’t get to sell it myself and profit a little from the equity. At my age, with my life sentence as a SO and with so much time taken from me in prison, there’s no point in trying to hunker down now and bust my ass working to catch up. Naw fuck that. I’m ridin it out. When the day comes that i can no longer swing a hammer, if i ain’t got a good chunk of money to ration the rest of my life, im’a strap up and make a livin another way wink
As we can see, whatever piece god and the state moves next in this middle game stage is critically important. One wrong move and my knights and queen are in there, baby.