This is going to be our future and the result of breaking the family system and values.
Though, some liberals may also see it as the govrnment’s responsibility and argue that the remedy would be to allow rationing of having sex with white girls to all males in the name of social justice!
This is the marvelous world that all you fucking social progressives have built. Now, enjoy the fruits of your labor!
You want a hyper competitive ruthless economic system guiding every facet of social life? No problem!
Oh, by the way, side effects may induce strong isolation and disenfranchisement within individuals that may be prone to random acts of violence or mass murder.
What? Well, nobody said this social progressivism was without consequences or risks I guess…
Somebody is profiting within all of this so I suppose these consequences and risks are acceptable. Yeah…
I neither speak such language nor ready to accept that from anyone so please refarain yourself from using such downgraded words while talking to me. This is your first time so i am not reporting it but would do that the next time, besides putting you on the ignore.