
Sympathy/Antipathy = subjective.
Objectivity = approach towards clarity void of emotional corruptions - empathy. Approach to reality, god…a god would be indifferent to the plight of his creations. Indifference indicates power, omnipotence would be absolute power, i.e., total indifference. Independent, not dependent, not affected.

First stage of consciousness is outward looking - second is self-cosnciuosness, perception of self and other from a third person perspective - projection.
First step to understand an alien other is to sue oneself, or what you know of yourself, and to project this knowledge/understanding into the circumstances of another - in essence an individual imagines himself in the others place and pities himself through the other. The other becomes a copy of one’s knowledge and understanding of oneself, and since one discovers self as reflected in other - I am that which I am not - the other becomes a sounding board. We perceive similarities and disregard differences because similarities are intimate, we recognize ourselves in them.
We know ourselves as a reflection in another and we come to understand another as a projection of this knowledge of ourselves.

We begin knowing ourselves as what we are not - the other. I am not this other - consciousness still outwardly focused, reflecting upon this other to discover an unknown self.
But what is this other? Stranger, unknown. Projection ensues…as one recognizes oneself in relation to this other in degree of difference. Similarity adjusted to know thyself, e.g., I m shorter/taller, faster/slower, bigger/smaller, stronger/weaker etc.
But what do we know of this other’s mind? All we have are his actions, choices exposing judgment and motive…what else?
We project our consciousness into his, recognizing gestures, movements, expressions, sounds as indicating a state of mind. We imagine ourselves in his predicament, and how it must feel, but not the degree since this is a matter of constitution, endurance, pain/stress thresholds. Unable to adjust we use our own as a standard.
But all judgements are approximations, not absolute certainties. Another is not a carbon copy, a clone - even clones differ - but a similarity, with distinct differences of degree which distinguish it from oneself and from all others.
Similarities are the recognition and appreciation of ourselves in another, differences remain unknown, and a constant source of anxiety.
Emotion, ego, corrupts our appreciation of ourselves and so warps our understanding of another.
We imagine another as exactly like us to deal with the unknown - we name it to make it seem intimate and known. Naming the unknown makes it “known”.

Hunting necessitates empathy. Getting into the prey’s mind.
Here we find the emergence of guilt, which will develop into the “primordial sin”.
Hunter absolves himself by sanctifying the prey - making sacred, sacrifice. Give thanks and reciprocate with one’s own future death.

Empathy is not necessarily sympathy nor antipathy.
Recognizing distress, a state of mind, as a weakness to be exploited.

Lorikeet is a psychopath.

The usual contribution.

Classic psychopathy

Excellent insights.

Are you seriously saying that people don’t ever do that? Sentient beings are hard-wired for it… just look at the current state of the World, to fully understand the meaning of the word exploitation.

We open ourselves up, to exploitation, when we go out into the World… into the workplace, a social space, etc. etc. etc.

Romantic Idealism.
Realism is more a detriment to its emotionally charged fantasies.
What use is objectivity if it inhibits the subjective spirit from exploring possibilities?

This is what happens when Sculptor ventures outside his area of expertise:

A Dog’s World Without Humans

Brilliant thread by Sculptor here, pure genius! His deep philosophical insights leaves this forum stunned!

I chalk Sculptor up to Antipathy more than anything else, deep resentment toward others more popular than himself.


Apathy, smears
Antipathy, Sculptor
Sympathy, Ecmandu

People have ‘rationale’ biases, it’s apparent in their attitudes and “persona”, very difficult to fake these. It is a “tone” of the mind, the thought-process, their core-beliefs.

That is a brilliant thread.

I cannot imagine what would happen to dogs if humans disappeared. Baffling.
I suspect mongrelization would ensue and an optimal form returned to…chihuahuas gone forever.
Human social engineering is the issue, no? Sheltering.
What would happen to Sculptor if human institutions were to vanish? What would happen to idiots?

Maybe love would preserve them…but would they pass on their genes?
Even love has its limits.

image.slidesharecdn.com/classic … 1394361205

Age of Reason vs. Romanticism
Masculine vs. Feminine

Which dominates is crucial. Will the left or right hemisphere dominate - the masculine or the feminine?
Currently the feminine is dominating…ergo chaos is rising.

Feminization of Man = emasculation of boys, producing men-children idealizing the maternal in the form of a fantastic feminine spirit that is placed upon a pedestal.
Chaos/Order = nature. Nature is to be submitted to, usually in the form of an all-encopassing one-god - representation of a whole, complete, absolute idea/ideal.

Can both not exist within a person? I know they do, in me…

Such strict restraints to set upon One’s-self, and therefore One’s mind and very being. Can we not value Our imaginations as well as Our rationality?


Of course…no absolutes.
All are a synthesis.
Male emerges from the feminine…which spirit dominates determined if he will be more masculine or more feminine, which, in turn, will determine his procreative potentials because gender is a specialization of reproductive roles.

Reason - mind; Emotion, Feeling, Intuition - body…
Reason dominates in man, and Emotions in woman.
When men become feminized there’s imbalance.

The game, hunt, of seduction…of erotic lust/love.

The person who lacks empathy lacks a great deal of awareness and understanding that is extremely useful for navigating through reality in many facets. Furthermore, The ability to vicariously empathize is a wondrous gift that can provide a key to psychoanalysis of people, to understand dangers, threats, paths, opportunities in interaction, which is a huge advantage over psychopaths.


Second the motion , conditionally.

The emergence of projection is the source of primordial sin, and the guilt/shame associated with it.

First-person perspectives of base simply organisms gradually develop, evolve, the ability to project - facilitating a variety of reproductive and survival strategies.
Absence of sympathy/antipathy.

Second-person perspective is based on rudimentary self-awarness, projected into the circumstances of another.
When this developed in hunter/gatherer man he felt the pain of his victims, his prey - he felt guilt and shame. To make amends he developed rituals of self-cleansing; showing appreciation, gratefulness to his own victims - thanksgiving.
This also developed into the nobility of spirit that honours its enemies if they show courage and prove themselves worthy of praise.
Projection of sympathy/antipathy, determined by the quality, accuracy of the projecting mind’s self-esteem - ego.

Third-person perspectives move from subjective projections towards increasingly detaching objective perspectives - the root of nihilism.
A means of enhancing judgements and increasing the chosen option’s probability of success; an advantage.
Transcending the corruptive effects of ego and of under- over-etimating yourself, the other or the path towards…i.e., necessary effort, work, movement, activity.
All advantages have a negative cost - Yin/Yang.
In this case, uncertainty, procrastination, indecisiveness, insecurity produced by too many variables to process, relative to a desired objective; indifference being an additional effect of this third-person perspective, under the right circumstances - indifference towards the particular.
Empathy - transcending sympathy/antipathy - will-less, ego-less.

Every existent in the world is projecting a film they are in, or would like to be in, we are all virtually real to ourselves and others.