Hi all,
This poem started out with the first line, and then developed into what is. There are characters though they are not concrete and well defined, but there is a dialogue, and the mode of communication is by allusions and similies in some cases dialogue. The general idea about it is that equanimity for all things leaves but medocrity behind, and supplies this in good stead for degeneration…do comment. ( I have referred here to Equanimity as an equal amount of complacency or proactive interest towards anything, so thats one more thing I had to confirm…)
Equanimity’s Cause
Equanimity’s cause is a leisurely loss -
Wishing upon oppositions small and large
While bringing together their pieces of time
The aged and the relevant seeded in mime
Of their own, of others’ and of each other
Such as to span the size of the days’ weather.
Tread all by themselves, and silently entwined
Are the virtues of all their common sins,
Only to find some causes left behind -
Causes that mattered more to their whims;
Rotting are their follies in some cumbrous waste
And wasting as oppositions in familiar distaste,
Akin to the humbled, and the transcending.
And the quick-foregoing souls of yesterday
Did claim their assurances and their integrity;
And of their selves, “But were these not,” asked they
“Driven to the Ends of Destiny? Ask’d for, in alacrity
More than their combined shares? Ask’d not have they
In someone else’s lair? For which cause, their brevity?”
So asked their selves of their own and their ways.
Did they find the answers cut clear
As day is announced by the chanticleer,
And night fades away as a memory?
Did they sway from duty and veer
And did they their love to find fear,
And from the night of their minds worry?
“Ah, but tell us this,” they then gathered and replied
“Equanimity had us: would it otherwise deride -
If we had shot as far as we were supplied?
But that is Equanimity’s folly and our pride
Which events play with as some prey betwixt;
Our teetering glances and the missed chances
Are but Equanimity’s follies, for what else perchance
Would cater to a guilty glance, than those correct?”
“Ones that stand tall above and detract the honours meant
Upon higher beings bent and spent for their betterment;
From otherwise pithy, little weaklings gathering to be
In their own world, in their own time and from duty flee
But save the day for all with our Equanimity and see
The rows of commoners created: lest you amongst be.”