Europeans Fear of Islam

The Walsall Anarchists and the Jubilee Plot were over a century ago. Don’t kid yourself.

  1. None of these men were convicted of trying you blow you up in the name of Islam. You are simply not telling the truth here.
  2. Have you looked into any of these cases, in terms of the evidence against these men or at you just listing convictions to try to score a point? Even that legendary terrorist who was stopped before he managed to blow you up in the name of Catholicism was subject to provocation and entrapment, and that was several centuries ago. Ditto the Walsall Anarchists and the Jubilee Plot. Ditto the war on Irish terrorists. In literally dozens of cases the security services found people they could provoke into doing something they could then arrest them for and then trumpeted these as proof of the threat and proof of their own necessity and value. I know for a fact at least some of the men in your list were subject to the same tactics.

Did any of these men actually attempt to commit murder in anything like as explicit a manner as you describe, or are you exaggerating to try to score a point?

The quality of your argumentation is abysmal.

It wasn’t the four Muslims that they said did it. It makes no sense for some Muslims to set up four other Muslims to take the blame for their crime, and in general when Muslims commit acts of terrorism they are more than happy to take the credit. There are even fake Muslim terrorist groups claiming responsibility for events that had nothing to do with them, such as Ramzi Yousef’s Liberation Army, or more recently the Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigade (who claimed responsibility for 7/7). Muslim terrorists don’t tend to carry out false flags, whereas the British security services have been doing it for centuries.

Hence, I know it wasn’t Muslims who did it, but I don’t know exactly who did do it other than that they set up four Muslims to take the blame and given both logic and historical/contemporary precedent it makes no sense for other Muslims to have done this.

Now, what was your point?

Birmingham was a shithole before the Muslims showed up, and the notion of race-traitors is hardly unique to Muslims. I’m guessing now that you’re an alternative account for another poster who has been here for a while, and I will say that if you don’t improve your arguments in your next post that I cannot be bothered continuing this exchange.

So you are saying “well such and such happened in the past so CLEARLY it is, without doubt, the same now”
You think that flies as a valid point? Sorry, I don’t. You claim to have facts, and by this I am inferring incontrovertible hard evidence, that this is the case. If that is so, please let me in on it and I will drop what I am saying here and start trying to make the truth be known to the public at large.

So another of your arguments is “there is no crime in British law called ‘trying to blow you up in the name of Islam’ so, as they were not convicted of this, it was clearly not in the name of Islam.”
Really? You think that unless the law has the motive in the name of the crime we cannot draw conclusions from evidence provided as to what their motive is? I disagree. There were martyrdom videos submitted as evidence. Martyrdom involves suffering or dying for your faith. In this case Islam. Videos and transcripts of their words backing up my point can be found here

Well if your opinion is that with any crime in the past 100 years we have to assume they were set up by the authorities, then I guess we should just close down the prisons, put an end to the police service and save ourselves all that money. I agree that if something happened in the past there is also the chance it could happen again in the future. But to think that every crime that happens is a set up it surely paranoia. I don’t buy into your paranoia, sorry.

Agreed and agreed :smiley: Birmingham doesn’t need race haters to be a shit hole in my opinion either - but it doesn’t help.

To get back to the original point of this post which is related to Europeans’ fear of Islam. I think I have shown reasons why people are fearful. You do not have to buy into those reasons and you clearly do not, which is fine! But I am simply providing the information that people get and how they can draw conclusions from it. Catholics are scared to commit sin because they will go to hell. I think they are wrong but I at least can understand the reasons for this - they read stuff in a big, old book and believe what it says. If you want to educate the masses about how they are being misled by the state and the media, I earnestly wish you the best of luck.

I can’t see why it should make any difference whether this is my only account or an alternate account, but this is my last post in response to you as I cannot argue such sweeping statements without any evidence. I have backed up my claims with evidence at each point and all you have managed to do is out of hand state that I am wrong without any valid argument or evidence.

Despite this, I would still like to thank you for the exchange :slight_smile:

All the best!

You are Jewish. I know because one time you said, “I am Jewish.”

Stop acting like an idiot.

I came here with nothing but love in my heart for you.
But you are a joke.

I am not even going to reveal my ancestry to you, as for you the gravest things are futile bullshit.

You must know your own worth, and it is the spread and facilitation of information.
You are NOT in the position to judge.

It’s all me. For sure.

I am the one that is at fault.

No, I’m saying this has happened in Britain whenever there have been ‘terrorists’ and now is no exception.

Seriously? The three intelligence agents who set up the alleged 7/7 bombers are Mohammed Junaid Babar, who was working for American intelligence, and Martin McDaid and Mohammed Quayyum Khan who were working for British intelligence. At every point that the alleged bombers did something that could later be used to make them look like suicidal terrorists (attended a training camp, got involved in a radical bookshop, went to Pakistan, hung around with some people who were later convicted as terrorists, etc.) they did so through connection with one or more of these three men. At each point, MI5 and/or other intelligence agencies had some information on what the alleged bombers were doing, and at each point they failed to exploit that information. At each point that they failed to exploit the information it not only ‘failed’ to signal to them that these men were potential bombers, it also covered up their connections to these three men. Oh, and the three men never actually met.

Now, if you genuinely want me to outline this to you in detail, going into the ISC’s three reports on this, the testimony of the anonymous MI5 chief of staff to the director general, the courts documents on Babar, the intelligence files on McDaid and Q’s connections to Sidique Khan, I can do that. If you’re seriously asking.

Not, I’m saying that, assuming their intentions were in some way ‘in the name of Islam’, they were not convicted of trying to blow YOU up. In particular these chaps who were eventually found guilty of something in this ludicrous 2006 transatlantic liquid airline bomb plot. I can show you the video of the bombs, made by experts after dozens of attempts using the recipe supposedly being used as part of this dastardly Muslim plot, that managed to pathetically go bang a bit. And that’s expert bomb makers working for the government. In a lab. Not dipshit Muslims working with cola bottles in an airliner toilet. It may interest you to know that these men were not convicted the first go round.

No, I’m saying the majority of people convicted of terrorism charges in Britain, and quite a lot of those blamed for terrorist attacks, are innocent and have been set up by the authorities, or just wrongly convicted by a corrupt, lazy and stupid policing and prosecution system. There are a handful of people who actually pose a threat, and to be honest given their track record they primarily pose a threat to themselves. Have you heard of Taimur Abdulwahab Al Abdaly? Sweden’s first suicide bomber? He lived in the same part of Luton as Mohammed Quayyum Khan for a while.

Like I say, the offer is there if you really want to know. When it comes to 7/7 you literally won’t find anyone knows more about it than me, other than those who actually did it.

Oh, you just act like that because you’re negroid. Nothing to worry about.

Islam is a perversion of Jupiter. It once was a worthy tribute to the God of expanse but now it is the complete and total opposite to its proper power. It is vortex of anti-faith. It is mainly useful as a puppet to create anti-faith all over the place. But Jupiter is still in every muslims heart.

Judaism is in me if Jews accept it or not. I carry my modest part of the myth of genesis, without having any choice in the matter. Zionism is what I consider to be this as much as this, as much as this - Ray 7.

Language can only carry so much, I have tried to make myself clear. Evidently I have failed.

I have much to thank you for though. One word: ****** and one name: ******* *****.


Islam is an inherently imperialist religion unlike Christianity and Buddhism.

I think we all get that you are part Jewish. That part is clear. It’s the part where you start saying religious stuff that is not clear. There is a difference with not being able to change your genetics, and believing in/acting out the stories of a religious text book book. You don’t have to explain how you view that distinction, but it would be a nice bonus considering how well I and others (I assume are confused by this) know you.

I think Islam is a bad idea, but just like there are ‘christians’ which have never read the bible, there are probably ‘muslims’ which have not read the quran and are just normal people with a slight religious orientation.

Old fashioned islam is like old fashioned judaism. The two are quite similar. Doing that kind of thing in a modern country would be illegal.

I am afraid of Islam. I am afriad of neo-cons. The latter seem to have more reach and power, however, so I fear them more. On the other hand, I am not high on their list of targets, yet. On the other other hand, my third one, I am not very high on anyone’s list of targets. I am afraid of various organizations, systems of belief, corporate entities, though much of this is diffuse, a modern anxiety, since it is not like they are bulls in the street charging toward me, yet. I am afraid of fundamentalist Christians. I fear the consequences of many lobbyists and pr firms. GM organisms give me the creeps and Monsantoism, a religion based on reckless beliefs in and actions based on a purely modular and physical view of lifeforms mingled with greed, really scares me. So many isms, so little time.

Why can’t we all just get along?

LOL. Getting along for some is like getting into a bar fight for others. I mean, even if I win a bar fight the post fight feelings are unpleasant, however preferable. For others, that’s the cap of a great night out.

When I look at the internet it reminds me of something my girlfriend at the time wrote for her thesis, which was this concept of this place within a city where there are no rules. Say a city block, or a couple of them. Where even the police cannot enforce laws. But it is only in this one place.

She shows that this would be a preferable idea. Invariably the people who need that disorder and chaos in their lives can find it - in a very real way - there.

It would be cool if we could create a country where it’s just like all fundies going at it in a battle royale or something. OK, that is maybe insulting. Not all religions. But all the ones that want to beef it out can do it there.

That’s probably allot of why I consider humanity like a sinking ship.
The problem is that I can’t travel on a space ship to a different alien planet which has on it a nicer and smarter race.

There’s that, but also, I love this planet. And a lot of these various religions, using the term in its broadest sense, seem not to like the planet or consider it important. They should leave.