Five or Ten Things That Rock About America

  1. Free Speech

  2. The Right To Privacy

  3. The Free Market

  4. Separation of Church and State

  5. Military Power

  6. Technology and Science Leader

  7. Geography

  8. Anti-Trust Laws

  9. Al Gore

  10. We Won the Cold War

It seemed like it at the time, but I think at this point this is highly debatable.

OK. My list sucks. Except Al Gore. He’s a philosopher prince and I always thought he was the most qualified person to ever seek the presidency. Anyway, our beef over Al aside. I’m disappointed you weren’t able to come up with a single good thing about your country, save your assent about its geograph y. Do you really hate Uncle Sam that much?

Sorry about that. Here we go…
1: Our unapologetic foreign policy.
2: Good,(at least credible) college level education systems.
3: Peaceful illusion of rule of by and for the people.
4: The electric guitar.
5: Cars for everyone!!
6: The lottery.
7: Pell grants.
8: Frivolous research spending which allows slackers to get paid for doing little to no actual work
9: Unions to ensure the quality of life of the unambitious and ignorant.
10: The feeling of global superiority that comes with being an American.

  • Great art / world’s best circumstances for artists
  • Versatile and robust demography
  • Lack of cynicism, great lust for and belief in life
  • Source of modern music
  • Generator of new human mythos
  • Constant moral and political self-correcting
  • Right to bear arms without falling into civil war, exemplifying trustworthiness of human nature
  • Potent language
  1. Constitutional Rights (the remnance of)
  2. A range of art, music, and movies
  3. Technology
  4. Scientific achievements
  5. No culture
  6. Few abborant Religious fanatics
  7. The ability to get a higher education (beyond High School)
  8. Nuclear Defense (nobody really want’s to match us)
  9. A rich history (short, but rich)
  10. Availability of tangible items
  1. the right to bear arms.

that’s the only one that matters because if you can’t defend yourself, no one else will…

what did hitler do first after taking power?


Lex, your list doesn’t suck. The attitude of many americans does. I’ll be shocked if many americans here don’t rip everything positive that you say.

In light of that, I’ll give one - the ability of americans to be spoiled shitless, to the point where they don’t even know how good they’ve got it.

  1. Strong execute branch

  2. Secondary and post-secondary educational institutions

  3. Long-time leader in art both for and by the “everyman” (both good and bad, really).

  4. Work ethic (oftentimes government mandated . . . but so what?)

  5. Individual rights (I think we go too far here, but just because I talk about the bad side more doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the benefits of it as well)


NS monitoring almost everything now.

International wage-slavery.

Loaded with religious fundamentalists.

Squandered and abused patriots.

Corporation-controlled research.

Stolen land from original native populations.



Through incredible subversion and international acts of terrorism.

“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.”

  • Adolf Hitler

“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”

  • George W. Bush

“The successor to politics will be propaganda. Propaganda, not in the sense of a message or ideology, but as the impact of the whole technology of the times.”

  • Marshall Mcluhan

“Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.”

  • Noam Chomsky

“The owners and managers of the press determine which person, which facts, which version of the facts, and which ideas shall reach the public.”

  • Commission On Freedom Of The Press

I didn’t think it sucked either. I was just doing my job as resident contrarian.

Got the SS to burn down the Reichstag, allowing him to get the Reichstag Fire decree and the Enabling Act through, which not only took away the democratic power of the Parliament, it also (as you’re alluding to), took away the rights of the citizens to bear arms in self defence.

  1. The ability to freely express exactly how incompetent and useless government is and always has been. (There is also an attached responsibility factor of bringing down said government when it becomes an abysmal failure, but most Americans are too busy saying “Everything is great in America”).

  2. The ability to freely express exactly how sad, pathetic, and apathetic American society is and has been for some time.

  3. The ability to freely express exactly how inept education is in this country.

  4. The ability to move about the country freely, at least until Hitllery takes the presidency.

  5. The ability to laugh boisterously at fools, and then bludgeon them mercilessly when they attempt to retort, not realising that genetic impetus requires them to be thrashed so.

Actually most experts agree it was a Dutch anarchist who burned the Reichstag down. Hitler certainly capitalized on it, but he didn’t actually order it.