Anyone interested in philosophy should remember how philosophy originated. In ancient greece some of you will say.
But no , philosophy started more or less with farmers before greek civilization.
farmers are well aware that if you plant cabbage you do not get carrots.
They were the first to realize and understand the nature of things. Simple people with a vast knowledge.
To be sure , I am not implying we all hold council with farmers to gain understanding. Or that all who farm know the meaning to life.
But Why on earth do people think that you need a university degree, or you have to know all about academic style philosophy, and big words in order to know what the meaning to life is? How strange.
Of course, reading about socrates and aristotle, or any other prominent philosopher should not do any harm. But in many instances it does.
As I say if you plant cabbage you will not get carrots. Therfore if you busy yourself with intellectual thoughts and premises, conclusions etc, then this is all you will get.
A dried up mind , void of all the benifits that come of a mind that cherishes and loves and simply exists . A mind that continually has to analyze. And the repercussions of this?
Notice that it is usually men who love philosophy. They love to shout about all these complicated ideas and spend their time ridiculing things that make them feel slightly threatened.
Whereas women have more empathy, they feel things. Honestly, when will men finally begin learning from women?
I fear that many wont , and one of the the repercussions in their personal lives will normally be that they will not hold onto a woman very long. She will tire of his constant analyzing and inability to flow in the moment.
She might not be able to explain it, but she will feel something missing from the relationship and leave him. Unless of course he is a blessed philosopher who knows how to combine wisdom with practicality and treat her right.
But men like this are rare. At the moment at least. However it is my wish that the earth will be full of them one day. Balanced people , in general agreement. Able to combine divine philosophy with being kind hearted, generous, forgiving, charitable.
But what of the things we see around us at the moment? People who usually hold grudges for no good reason. People being two faced, childish, bitter, mechanical, frozen, ignorant , out for themselves , and to bring down the good. And all of them would say"who me?" . certainly not they think.
It is me who is wrong and they who are perfect i suspect they think. Women have a greater tendancy to go with feelings. Something men must learn to do. They cannot continue forever needing solid proof of something before they will act.
They must let go of this tiresome need to analyze. Even science is telling us now that it is true. Men are fundamentally different in that they love facts. Women can love facts also, but it is their ability to yield comprimise and empathize that gives them the edge over men at the moment.
Men cannot continue forever being weaklings either. Too stupid to see what is going on , and being easily led by women into doing things which are not right. For there are also many women that require inner work and are no angels.
Real philosophy is the combination of empathy, the world of feelings, and wisdom, practicality, the region and sphere of thoughts. The intellect, the head and brain must be working with the heart in order for it to be of any use.
Once and for all people should abandon this notion that academic study will help to liberate them. No!!
They will liberate themselves with the power of their hearts and minds, live a chivalric and noble life , Then academic study will enhance whatever they do.
The society of the future cannot contain bumpkins,aggressive types intent on spoiling things. We cannot settle for it .We must all ensure our world becomes a better place starting now. And abandon any selfish ideas we have about mankind and his destiny.
We have free will precisely because we ourselves must make some of the descisions. It is up to us to discover exactly what real philosophy entails.
God cannot be there to hold our hands. For this there are humans, and occasionally angels. Some humans even being angels themselves. Some not even aware of who they are.
Like the prince and the pauper is mankind, never realizing he is actually the prince, and heir to the throne. One day humanity should be exalted. But ask yourselves, does the philosophy of the past have the power to do that?