Formal Logic in Elementary/High School

Why in the hell isn’t this mandatory?

I had critical thinking in my high school but that was part of this wealthy suburb high school that had a bunch of different stuff – I mean mandatory like math and english. I mean if not formal logic then -at least- some critical thinking orientated questions.

How complacent as a group are we when we let this kind of thought control (or lack thereof) affect our kids?

Our children are dumbed down for a reason. Stupid people don’t complain. Stupid people obey and do what they’re told. Stupid people believe what any ‘expert’ says and tells them. Stupid people don’t question the world they live in.

If people weren’t made stupid, they would realize they’re the equivalent of a hamster running on a wheel in one big statist joke, and do something about it. Since those in power control education, they control how much ‘dumbing down’ must occur for there power to remain safe


I understand why it works… I just don’t understand why we accept it.

‘We’ don’t just accept it, depending on who we are. I taught myself a lot of logic and critical thinking before I ever studied it at Uni (my school had no such courses, the closest thing being the better of my English Lit, History and Religious Studies classes), the French teach philosophy to their school kids, plenty of parents teach their kids some of this stuff (either implicitly or explicitly).

And the better amongst our teachers deviate from the stated syllabus when they know that it is better for their students to learn stuff that isn’t on it.

The overall American quality of education (high school and lower) has been greatly reduced due to the NCLB act.

I really want to move to EU if I ever have kids.

I don’t think that most high school age kids would enjoy Formal Logic. And the British time-table at least is already crowded.

Even if it is mandatory, people will learn it to pass the exam and then forget it. Only those who are truly interested in it will learn something and use it.

Take a look at Finland and France where it is mandatory. Are those people better off?

You can’t expect the state or anyone to change “you” you better do that yourself. people are drones because they choose to be, no one stops anyone from finding things out or learning. At least in Europe and the US.