
Encode says

encode_decode says :

“have been toying with a concept I call “the principles of fives”. I call it”

me no replies : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

“The simple fact that five ones come to five is basic. There is a school of numerology who go by that religiously.”

(1+1+1+1+1=5. Look at 11111 in philosophy forum number , if u believe in the meaning of numbers without corresponding to peace’girl’s authority. Then Polanyi is validated at least intrinsically.)

I must have some missing information for that pattern to form Meno. I focused on 11111 in forum number.

Unless you are referring to Pythagoras in some way.

For me, five represents that which four could never explain. Four being of the earth and five being of the heavens.

My bad, it’s # of topics in the philosophy forum.

It may not be your bad - I have only been awake for a little while - we don’t often think about things with no significance.

Reliant on coffee I am - parts of my mind may still be waking.

encode_decode says:

"Unless you are referring to Pythagoras in some way.

For me, five represents that which four could never explain. Four being of the earth and five being of the heavens. The heavens as a part of earths. Earth is part of the heavens."

Numerology represents the quantitative phenomenological aspects of reality. You could say the heavens are a four and the earth represent the 5. Five minus one is one a lonely number. five plus 1 is a hexagon which is saying a pentagon plus one is a hexagon.

Geometry is created by adding arithmetic and it’s semantic equivalent.

You can also form quantum numbers by counting a symbol’s place alphabetically sequentially significant.

Probably early Greek and Roman alphabets may connote a more weighty form, just like Planets stratagems are more prone to cut off than post adoloscance’s timeline.

A hexagon is a perfect structure - this is why bees use it. Pentagons are not imperfect either since pentalphas can explain all.

five alphas - so you understood something I said

By meno’s literal method of learning/understanding ,yes

This is fascinating.

I place the hexagon in my elevated forms.

Otherwise - a relation, a scalar, and a vector…hmm…more generalized tensor…seeds of thought…

Numerology - I have heard some people refer to this - but truly, I live under a rock - or perhaps a mountain too tall - quantifying phenomenological…quanta…fascinating…

My mind wants to make relations - qualify and quantify. This is my mind upon waking…walking through a doorway to consciousness.

Toying with my beard.


Perhaps I will consult with Gäa about this…become present in the situation…

To my mind irony in the alchemical notion of dealing with the metaphysical offshoot and the 'real’calculated effects are also continuous until cut off, or referenced to partially derived notions.

Whatever, OR whoever

The alchemical notion is a more generalized notion…

…less discriminative…

Still in touch with reality if the receiver can comprehend.

Perhaps not so easy for it going down the wrong path - washed minds have a larger chance of ending up in hell.

The alchemical mind is more robust. More able to weather the storm.

…and Rus’ - Vladimir of Kyiv and his many headaches dealing with those people back then - may have been disappointed with the state of affairs today. Seeing things go too far - beyond his scope.

The butterfly that creates the hurricane.

My thoughts are still with this too…contrasting the butterfly with the hurricane - and watching the winds that build as you put it until I reach that alignment with Paris as well as Dostoevsky’s own alignment with Sand.

Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dudevant, née Dupin - another butterfly.

Exactly a kind of David and Goliath situation building beyond an appearent limit, from which they still fear they can fall off of.

Only the wisest judge, Salomon may put his 2 cents worth into that chalkfull of nuts.

Soloman as the judge of his father.

Can 2 cents fit into that which is already apparently completely full? Unless my translation is incorrect.

No. Your translation is correct, as any kid can become a modern day solo man and judge a father with less then 2 cents on the 8 ball, or so he might think.

Oh look…thank you, Meno. My mind is at ease now - instead of being troubled…I thought maybe I would be hanging for ten days…

…ease better than…Смутное время beginning around 1600, spelling the end of another troubled formation and leading to another…that will then…

…and…I will get to that…

…bring forward; “Therefore, you can never fall off a mountain” - Jack Kerouac, ‘The Dharma Bums’ or, ’ The Subterranians’…

…looks like it was, ‘The Dharma Bums’…anyway…Hawaii Five-O…

Смутное время

We can draw formative parallels between different time periods and conclude that there was no real troubled time because the whole of Russian history presents an unsettled story right from the start…much is the same as anywhere else humans have left a footprint and marred history with stories that are at times distressing. We should also not forget that there are other times that history presents us with otherwise beautiful images associated with the culture of the time and some of this is dependent on the eye of the beholder…perhaps the strength of a people can be considered a type of beauty in itself. The tempestuous phase of the Russian past known as the Time of Troubles threatened the very essence of the Russian state…continues to provide rich significance for both those who want to think about it and politicians alike. There are times in the past that contained aspects mirrored in the ages of both Stalin and Putin…imperious schemes have the innate potential of recurring in distinct eras. People tend not to let go of that which appears to be valuable to them…for better or for worse…for worse or for better…

…Stalin the terrible…

…Putin…as the first Romanov…of this era…perhaps not…

…time of troubles…depends on who you are…I guess…


…word for yesterday…nightmare…word for today…troubles…word for tomorrow…unknown…


“If in the world of short-lived fate
You want to leave your mark,
People remember heroes for ever,
Those who led us along the road of victories.”

Something playful…let us start with the mangod, Osho:


Demigod Osho says: because democracy basically means…government…by the people…of the people…for the people…

…but the people are retarded…so let us say government by the retarded…for the retarded…of the retarded.


For a moment I was wondering whether democracy meant anything…

Articulation - the action of putting into words an idea or feeling of a specified type. Articulation through experimentation…Exploring subtle interplays - integrations, fragmentations, differentiations and formations, deformations, and reformations - give rise to apparitions - emergence - manifestation - phantasm - angelic or diabolic. Ethereal to corporeal to ethereal <> transfiguring >> transforming into something more beautiful or elevated.



Here we look at health warnings on Vodka bottles…the girl says: why do people write on Cigarettes that smoking kills…but not on vodka which also does??? To which the man responds: Why write “smoking kills” on vodka???

Indeed. The man looks annoyed and the girl’s eyes widen in return.

Been warning folks all along the USSR should not have been left to dissolve, the transcendental dialectic left a gaping hole to fill in, with what? Virtually nothing.

Political engineering. should have been left to mother.nature.

Been warning folks all along the USSR should not have been left to dissolve, the transcendental dialectic left a gaping hole to fill in, with what? Virtually nothing.

Political engineering. should have been left to mother.nature.

Sorry for triplication will edit.

Been warning folks all along the USSR should not have been left to dissolve, the transcendental dialectic left a gaping hole to fill in, with what? Virtually nothing.

Political engineering. should have been left to mother.nature.

Sorry fir triplication will edit.

Dee Herpstag : Johannes Voss