Before I start, I must stress: DO NOT MENTION NAMES OR REFER TO SPECIFIC PEOPLE/CASES. It must be possible to discuss personalities and patterns of conduct in general. This is obviously absurd, because generalities are all based on particulars - but we need to bow down to mod rule.
In another thread I suggested an aesthetic preference, on the grounds of honesty, for those who lose their head. There is plenty of this on this forum, I doubt that is to be contested much. I would hazard a summation that the common attitude towards someone losing their head is a negative one - going by general reactions and moderation action. We are to be spared any sort of discomfort in the name of rational dignity and intellectual ‘progress’ or something.
Personally I find the dignity of rationality to be somewhat of a mask - a restricted highly controlled and self-moderated form of contention. It is a matter of aesthetics that the unpleasance of hostility is prohibited. A fuller depiction of human limits includes all ugliness and danger too. To round off this picture might be more honest towards the place of rationality within complete human conduct. For one, this would serve to undo a lot of prejudices and presumptions towards the veneration of reason.
It has been suggested that this is simply entertainment at best, and only aesthetic in its lowest form when applied to an internet forum. Does this have to be the case?
In reality, flame wars occur because when one feels no longer able to use controlled rationality to come out on top - they resort to methods outside of the limited obedience of being ‘good’. I suggested that this is similar to an animal reflex of being backed into a corner. Human pride is perhaps not identifiable or present in animals, but for this analogy it serves to talk of pride as just another form of feeling wounded in the same way that one’s personal space or comfort zone might be ‘wounded’. It has been suggested to me that it is actually a relief to indulge in this disobedience when one merely has false pride - this would indicate a kind of inability to do otherwise. It is indeed a lower type who reacts on a stimulus out of need - unable to do otherwise.
One who is able to do otherwise would still not necessarily do otherwise, nor necessarily engage at all. One would have to be naive, brave or foolish - if there is really that much distinction between these terms - to dare to engage with a situation that does not befit you at your familiar best. Personally, I relish the opportunity to test my versatility on a situation that has lost its rationality. One is thrust into unpredictability and must adapt or fail and suffer the greater personal shame that comes with failure to cope outside safe and controlled environments. To act derisively towards the situation and pass it by, without test, is to show hubris. To succumb to the irrationality and become part of it, or to be unable to resist a compulsion to join in is similarly lower. It is only higher to know from experience that one can easily come out on top, that there is no challenge available - or to choose to delve into the midst of the monster, to play with chance. A simple internet forum can be a ground upon which to exhibit highly aesthetically varied behaviours.
Often the origin of irrational animality is when one has presented something that means a lot to oneself. This could be any kind of lie or attempt towards truth that one needs to feel self respect, or that causes one to feel pride. When this pride is wounded, the hurt is all the more amplified, and a lashing out becomes all the more likely. Whether others deem what is presented to be worthy of pride or not is undeniably part of what they hold to be their own source of pride. Whether they show their own or not can be for many reasons, but the worth to every party involved is surely subjective - meaning there is no objective basis from which to judge the worth of the source of pride.
However ugly the lashing out, it is passion that drives it that can be seen as beautiful no matter what form it takes. How successful one is in communicating this passion to others in a way that encourages them to share in it, is perhaps more integral than the content and object of passion. One’s desire to vent one’s passions is more primary than the content through which one does so. Content is perhaps merely circumstantial. If one is successful in winning others round to their passion, they create a following - whether this was the intention or not.
It is worth noting at this point that one can search for a following for many reasons. One may feel a need for a following for feelings of self-assurance - these are the least equipped to be successful in doing so. In the event where one has gathered a large degree of knowledge or other form of superficial display, one who needs a following can become successful in creating a following purely through the fact that they can be impressive to the ignorant. The show can be as superficial and robotic as is necessary. One may create a following accidentally - this could be quite unwelcome. Superficial ones can be quite easily attracted to passionate ones. They perhaps have utility, but there is surely little satisfaction unless there is some competition and equality in those who are attracted - introducing a welcome source of challenge. Superficial supporters often simply hold one back and invoke unpleasant feelings of pity and shame. One may also desire to create a following simply because it is a possibility.
One may deny a following, simply in favour of an audience - in which case they are a giant mouth. One may simply favour being the audience like a giant ear, or look for those who are worthy of a following - just so they might find something to follow. One would not participate on a social internet forum without social goals - the question remains why one contributes their presence in one way or another to an internet forum at all.
- I am aware of the sheer irony here, but I must once again request that no one loses their head over this thread. There is evidently a great deal of scope to do so, but as long as there is moderation, there is no room for the appearance of my confessed aesthetic preference here. I will be HUGELY annoyed if anyone fails to control themselves, derails this thread or gets it moderated or locked altogether. Please do not.