Free Video Games for all.

In my local community, I’m known far and wide (from one end of the apartment to the other) for my ability to sniff out free video games online, that delight and amaze. I’d like to share a few with y’all, and have you all share a few back if you know of any.

The first couple.

My favorite free video game is Cube 2, or Sauerbraten. It’s co-op edit mode kicks ass! Glorious gaming goodness. Another sweet one is Savage, which was a retail game but has been released free now that Savage 2 is coming out. So sweet.

Savage: … avageindex


Now, I must confess, I did not discover these myself, but rather found them on a PC Gamer Magazine forum post. It’s pretty comprehensive, and I haven’t checked them all out yet.

Official List of Free Games … 69&start=0

I’ll check yours out if you check mine. It’d be nice to see you on Sauerbraten, Uccisore.

Man, those screenshots look awesome. I’m going to check this out during work tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want something with graphics, check on this.


Scorched Earth…

fuck 3d I just wanna play the old one!

I don’t have a link for that memorized, but I bet I could find one in two shakes when I get back from school. But seriously, the 3D one is incredible. I was skeptical at first too- as you can see above, I don’t obsess over the better graphics. This actually ads something to the game. New weapons, new tactics that all account for having to consider the Z axis.

Zeus18: Yeah OK, I’ll check out that fantasy looking one after work tonight, you can count on that. The other one too, though FPS games aren’t generally my bag. Having someone to play multiplayer games of Scorch or Wesnoth (to which I am brand new) would rock.

The only game I’ve ever played, and occasionally still play is Unreal Tournament.

I give myself too little credit when I say, I’m the best Unreal Tournament player, ever, ever. And, Yes, it is a challenge.

imagine super mario except zoomed out a bit, (or the original scorched earth actually) you have machine guns and jetpack shoes, there are realistic ragdoll physics on your bloodied, pixelated corpse as it flies through the air, and you fight online with 10-20 other people or robots. free. 11 megabytes.

Future Man: Actually, I had just downloaded that last night. Sweet. Isn’t it somewhat like Worms, 'cept free?

Uccisore: Well, if you don’t like fps, you might not like the fantasy-lookin one either. It’s an fps/rts blend. As for scorched earth, I downloaded that last weekend. I’ll check out Wesnoth, though the turn-based thing turns me off. And I just downloaded adom, but can’t play anything till the weekend. Or else I wouldn’t get any work done. Which I don’t anyway, but somehow I’d get even less work done if I had computer games with which to avoid it. Work, that is.

Which Unreal Tournament do you play, Tristan? 2004? Did you know that UT 2007 is coming out next year? It’s gonna be sweet, with the Unreal 3 engine, like Gears of War.

One question about CUBE2> None of the screenshots have any monsters or enemies in them. Is this something I can play single player? The biggest thing that turns me off from FPS’s is the deathmatch thing, I enjoy the story and overall playstyle usually.

And ADOM is not for everyone. If you can get past the ASCII graphics, you’ll have on your hands the most difficult RPG ever, ever. Been playing it for 7 years, haven’t beat it yet.

Well, no plot for Cube2. Not really. There are single player levels, but generally, no plot. There’s an rpg version of Cube2 in progress right now, but so far there haven’t been any results except a couple of giant rpg maps, I don’t think. Yep, it’s pretty much deathmatch gaming, but like I said before, what caught me is its co-op edit mode, which lets players in a multiplayer game edit on the fly. You might not like it.

Edit while in the middle of the game? That sounds awesome. Actually, that combo RTS/FPS game sounds right up my alley, I’m looking forward to that one. EDIT: And plot isn’t important, just some sort of single player content.

Well, there is single player content in Cube2. Just not much. You can create your own, though.

On the same tack, if you like Half-Life 2, you probably have already seen this:

but I’ll repost it here anyway. Was up till 11 last night laughing at those.

the old Unreal Tournament, from 1999.

Savage: battle for newerth

i paid $30 for this game but now its free to promote the upcoming sequel. its 300 megabytes for the install file i think so its no soldat.

but if you want a rts/fps combination, multiplayer, with rpg elements, a focus on melee weapons. this game ate up so much of my time, i could talk about it for so long but i dont want to. just this:

one guy is a commander and 30 people run around on the ground, commander clicks the map and a giant green pillar of light appears on the horizon for the soldiers on the ground and we alll run to it. then a silhouette of a building comes up and we all whack it with a sword until the progress bar fills and when it does, we can come back to life there after being killed, closer to the enemy base. but the enemy comes and attacks us before we finish, its so important that we kill them because itll waste our resources if they blow up the thing. you can build guard towers and weapon upgrade buildings. siege weapons, suicide bombers, giant elephants that walk on two legs and carry uprooted trees that they smash into stuff.

go to the website. its awesome. but its pretty hard to learn, dont be discouraged.

Do you still play it Futurio? What’s your gamename?

nah, but my name was future man. i stopped playing (and writing on ilp from my home) when guild wars ate my soul a year ago, and i cant wait to go home and play it right now.

this hot piece of cartoon porn is Pope Pat Robertson,

feel free to msg me in game, i still need to beat nightfall so i can participate in the upcoming domain of anguish weekend. drool; everyone buy all three standalaone guild wars installments immediately.

world of warcraft is retarded, theres no player vs player. you just kill robots or get killed instantly by the guy with better equipment and stats. wheres the pride in destroying mindless noob robots?

someday soon when i have a lot of free time between classes i will write a comprehensive review of this amazing game.

If they ever make an online Oblivion…I would beat you all. Even the little eleven year old japanese kids who rule the video game world.

Dude, I’m in Nightfall too. I’m Namor the Mesubanir (or Mesabunir, can’t remember which). Sveet! Are you future man there too?

Actually, the video game world is ruled by 45-year-old Koreans. One Korean actually went out and stabbed the other because he got cheated in a game! They’re passing legislation that deals with virtual crimes now, I think.

What are your favorite mods, detrop?