in the beginning was atoms from the big bang…
all the universe was atoms… one substance…
and everything that has been since the big bang has been
from that one substance, atoms… everything is atoms…
this tells me that there is no superior or inferior objects if everything
is from one substance and everything is just a variation off of that one substance…
equality of mass is the one rule of the universe because we only have substance…
you can say the white man is superior over the black man but it isn’t true because
we are one substance and you can’t have a superior or inferior if everything is
made of the same thing… you may say god exists but god cannot exist if
you only have one substance in the universe for everything in the universe is made
up of atoms, one substance and there is no higher and lower or up or down or
good or evil if everything is made up of one substance…atoms…
you might say, animals are a lower form of life… but you can’t because we are
made of the same thing and if you are made of the same thing, you cannot be
higher or lower… you are equal…
the thing that makes one substance different are the forces in our life,
forces like gravity and electric-magnetism and the other forces that shape
our form…to say that some are due great wealth because they are superior
is false because we are the same substance… we are equal and any attempt
to justify social matters any other way are false because we are equal
spacetime is just another force in our lives… we exist as motion in
the universe and motion is another equal term… there cannot be judgments
in regards to motion…for how are we to judge the physical action of motion?
motion just is…we are dimensions in the universe and how do you judge
dimensions? motion and dimensions are equal… there is no means to be
able to judge motions and dimensions…they just are…
the universe is random and chaotic as are we and there is no way we can
judge that… randomness and chaos cannot be judged…
there are no standards for them… as there are no standards for motions
and dimensions… and the last force in our lives is time and how do you
judge time? by what standard can you judge time? so the universe is
atoms that are shaped differently that have motion and dimensions and
exist in spacetime…this is a bottom line description of the universe
and with this description, you can now understand the role of philosophy
in the universe…we have the how and why of the universe… the how
is the existence of matter, which is everything, and that matter is atoms
and that matter has motion and dimensions and is shaped by forces such
as gravity… the why? we cannot use the universe as a means of creating
a why because there is no why in matter that has form and moves and
has dimensions… but we can create our own why? I haven’t yet discuss
the biological aspect of the universe… we are matter, atoms, that has
motion and dimensions… as atoms, we are formed and reformed
again and again and again… we can be anything that atoms can be which
means we can be anything… follow an atom over time and see that atom
become part of a man or a cat or water or a bike or part of a dishwasher…
the atoms inside of us cannot go out of existence and so with every new existence,
our atoms change form but not disappear… the atoms inside of us has been
recycle billions of time over billions of different forms… after I die, the atoms
inside of me will become something else and how can we judge that?
today, I use philosophy to judge that at this time with these atoms, I
am going to be…and how can you judge that? what standard will you use?
remove the human element of atoms and ask yourself? with these atoms presently
inside of me, what can I do? shall I help my fellow atoms, those that were
with me at the birth of creation, how can I help those atoms have
an easier existence? recall, atoms cannot be made or destroyed…
the same number of atoms that existed at the birth of the universe exist
today… the form is different, but their number is not…
and till the end of time, the same atoms that existed at the beginning of the universe
shall exist exists at the end of the universe… except at the end of the universe,
the motion of the atoms shall simply stop and that will be the end…
as long as atoms keep moving, the universe is still alive…
one cannot say, mine and thou because we are one substance thus
we can only say, us…we cannot justify private property and we cannot
justify the accumulation of money and we cannot justify greed and we cannot justify
hate but we can justify love because love brings atoms together and all those other
things drive atoms apart… hate and greed and ambition… but anything that
is a force that help create form is desirable and love is a force like gravity…
and like gravity, it brings different atoms together and this create new forms…
this act of creating new forms, this creativity is a force we want and we need
and the universe needs…we each passing we become something new, we
become a new form and don’t we want to make our next form, our next existence
easier by making existence easier and we can do that by taking upon ourselves
the hard job of making every second easier for the next generation and so
we can approve such things a Obamacare because it makes existence
easier for the next generation of our atoms as we recycle again and again
and again into a new generation with every passing…why not clean up the
earth and make it easier on the next generation of atoms that will come after us…
because that next generation is us, in a new form and what kind of earth do we
want to leave ourselves?