Man, it sure is quiet around here.
A little too quiet…
Man, it sure is quiet around here.
A little too quiet…
Don’t tell me that, deep down, you actualy maybe, kinda, sort of, enjoyed arguing with that Commie?
I had a neighbor one time that had a little pomeranian that would chase after me every day when I went out to the mailbox, yapping and yapping and lunging repeatedly at my ankles. God I hated that dog. Or at least I thought I did.
One day the neighbors moved and from then on…somehow…the trip to the mailbox was nothing more than, well, just a trip to the mailbox.
I don’t know…
I’m so confused…
Awww…touchy feely.
Yeah, I miss FM as well. He is being treated at the rehab–ILP rehab that is.
i was wondering how long it would take for this thread to show up.
my internship is over, i no longer have 7 idle hours a day where im forced to sit in front of a computer.
plus nobody ever listened to me. or if they did, their response was insufficient to satisfy my unending desire for aggrandizement.
if anybody wants my infinite wisdom to shower upon them, pm me and ill be glad to.
What’s that old saying about being careful about what you wish for???
Ah, my metaphorical trips to the mailbox are back in full glory!
Say, FM, word on the street is that you’ve quit smoking weed. I hear the dealers around Philly are all wearing black arm bands today. Well, their loss is our gain. Hopefully the clarity will help our conversations. After all, you were either going to have to stop, or I was going to have to start.