This war started in 1948 when the White folks from Ukraine, Baltic, New York decended like a plague on Palestine.
Saying the Palestinians started this war is not even true for last year (2023). Their attack was a response to several bombings and military incursions by Isreal earlier that October in the same year
You should reallly try to get your head out of your arse. And stop imbibing Israeli propaganda from AIPACC.
Actually, it started when Abraham left Ur and settled in Canaan & tussled with local rulers, and God judged Sodom and Gomorrah during that time, and then Jacob left (after he tussled with the angel of the Lord and was renamed Israel) to go to his boy Joseph in Egypt (started at the bottom of slavery there because he was sold into it by his jealous brothers—but rose to the top, nonetheless), Moses just about returning with a much-multiplied family of desert-wandering, hardened, God-freed slaves… to judge the child-sacrificing inhabitants of Canaan about 420 + 40 + 40ish years later (you do the math).
And wouldn’t you know it? We’re at the whole child sacrifice & human capital thing on a global scale all over again?