Gender of ILP Members

What is your gender?

  • Female
  • Male
  • Other. If other, please- do not explain.
0 voters

This one’s self explanatory. No need to reveal your name if you don’t want to.

I’m a female.

what a stupid post


Meet me in Paris at 6 pm tomorrow—we’ll have chablis.

I know we have a few ladies that have not “declared” their status…

As for the sole hermaphrodite- I stand by my plea…please don’t share your “Lifetime Movie of the Week” storie. :astonished:

I’m a woman.

At least we only have one troglodyte boorish enough to condemn you ladies for simply owning up to your biology. :slight_smile: Given the juvenile caddishness often displayed here, I’m glad to see some are willing to put a gender to the name.

BTW, I’ve sometimes ascertained a difference in men’s and women’s posts- it’s interesting that there are some concrete differences in our perceptions.

Interesting observation: Only the women admitted to being women, none of the men said; “hey I’m a man”! Seems there is a fundamental difference between men and women or is this because this is a male dominated forum where we assume all participants are men?

Hey, I’m a man.

And yes being male here is run of the mill, boring and unexceptional.

(I think we all know the identity the hermaphrodite.)

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay…”


I can kind of tell who’s who here- it’s obvious in certain inctances, by name, interests, choice response to posts…I haven’t been wrong yet with the people I’ve found out about.

I chose “other” because I was born female by accident- I have three older brothers and I was also literally an accident . My parents wanted a girl because girls are sparce in the family. My father’s sister had seven kids, only one was a girl and she’s a midget- that only counts as half, right? I feel like a man trapped in a chick’s body…don’t get me wrong, I like men but there’s just a lot going on.

There’s something penile going on with the way the poll looks right now…I better get my head out of the gutter.

I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.

…but you’ve said that before.

I would have pegged you for a man vortical. Seriously I really thought you were. Having said that…you were not born woman by accident. It’s ludicrous to believe that you were born a girl because your parents wanted a girl. You are a girl by your own design. How kind of you to satisfy your mother’s desire.

I’m male, though a few times members have assumed that I was a female. This mainly had to do with the positions I was defending, namely, feminist perspectives on philosophy and social theory. However, a few times it occurred simply by chance. I believe it has to do with my name, though many Greek signs sound female.

Regarding the poll, however: I would like to register my distress at the perspective espoused. If one is neither of our recognized genders, they should not be made to feel that they are outsiders and do not have legitimate narratives of their own lives to express. I would hope that this forum promotes acceptance and compassion rather than marginalization of those in need.

Last time I looked there are only two genders (unless you’re talking a hermaphrodite- and even they have a genetic gender). To pretend otherwise is PC nonsense. No matter what a doctor does to a person, their genetic maleness or femaleness cannot be affected. In other words, you can change the plumbing and pump hormones in, but you still are carrying the X or Y chromosome.

I meant that poll comment facetiously, but in case any hermaphorodites perusing ILP were offended, my sincere apologies. :wink:

liquidangel, I’m flattered- really I mean that. Most of the time I like men better than women- I value their directness and that they lack the “catty-ness” of most women. I think I’m pretty unfeminine in that I’m not like women in that regard, but I am a romantic and have certain “womanly desires”.

vortical, you remind me of me… I posted this in the “does size matter?” thread, and I’m re-posting it here, as far as it pertains to sex versus gender… sorry the last link is funky, was trying to make it not expand the page.


Male. Although I’m doing my damnedest to be one of those ‘sensitive males’ they talk about in the women’s mags. :unamused: FWIW, I enjoy reading and responding to most of the females here. They seem to better express intuitive understanding and aren’t as likely to get hung up in the endless semantic arguments some of the males enjoy.