Genes to Memes

I am tearing masks and ripping costumes.
I want you to see who you and your kind are…and you consider this bullying, violence?

Show me something I don’t know… then love me anyway.

I mean.

If you wanna be scary.

The Intellectual Roots Of ‘Wokeness’
Like genes memes evolve over time.

Postmodernism, Wokism, is rooted in Marxism - they share a common ancestry; Marxism, Socialism, is rooted in Abrahamism - they share a common ancestry; and Abrahamism is rooted in Gnosticism, Zoroastrianism, ancient-Egyptian superstitions - they share common ancestry.
All are part of a genus…belong to the same nihilistic family.

Just like speciation, the further back in time the event of splintering off from shared ancestor occurred, the more time each evolved separately.
Similar to primates splintering off form a common ancestor evolved in different directions - those more similar, e.g., chimpanzees humans, maintaining more commonality because their splintering occurred more recently…


Memes are directed by a collective ideal.
The ideal shapes its ethics - the addendums men add to naturally evolved moral behavioural codes of conduct - and extend natural selection in the form of social selection.
Nihilism are memes that attempt to detach or contradict genetic foundation - nullify and replace them with manmade ideals that contradicts the natural selection of fitness.

Timocracy is an example of a meme extending and enhancing natural selection with a focused accelerating form of social selecting for particular natural traits that enhance group competitiveness.
Through Timocracy the ideal citizen was selected. An individual with cunning, understanding of nature, loyalty, contentiousness, courage, loyalty to the group, responsibility, integrity.
All traits necessary to consistently produce tangible products for the welfare of the group.

All those who could not exhibit these traits were selected out of the citizenry pool. Did not vote, and could not disrupt the group’s interest with their bullshyte.

The system was so successful that they had to integrate these masses of non-citizenry when the shift from Timocracy to Democracy occurred.

How Europe’s Languages Spread
Tracing Indo-Europeans

Tracing genetic codes using memetic linguistic codes
Indo-European family

Linguistic families correspond to races.
Ethic sub-cateogries corresponding to a separation into distinct idioms of languages, maintaining common words.

Stable environments benefit female sexual power, reducing the probability of rape that circumvent her judgements and choices.
Control over the ovum enables her to use it to seduce males that she is not willing to propagate with.
Using sex as a method to
Concealed ovulation serves this purpose in homo sapient females.

The orgasm is an additional method of multiplying the probability of being fertilized by a desirable, to her, male.

Female agency displays the female’s sexual powers.
Female’s evolve to become nature’s selectors.
They are natural filtering agencies, speeding up the adaptation processes reliant on random mutations.
A costly process in both time and lives.
Through a female’s judgement the desirable fit traits are identified in a male and propagated, excluding other males.
Deceit is always a factor.

Yet, females can also be easily indoctrinated into systemic ideals, adjusting her judgements to accord with cultural ideals.
Such ideals may not necessarily be fit, in the natural sense.

“The orgasm is an additional method of multiplying the probability of being fertilized by a desirable, to her, male.”

Ummmmmmmm… No it isn’t.

At this age, a desirable male is preferably snipped & done with fertilizing.

Alas, I don’t count as a woman at this age.

the first sign of genetic degeneracy is memetic, linguistic.

Why say “and”, “&/or”, &/or “or”, when you can use a comma and not have to figure out which one is apropos?

Because those sentences didn’t identify as using commas.

The infected need uninfected to pass on the virus - it is part of the memetic parasitical programming -0 all Abrahamic and secular nihilistic ideologies have it - it is called Messianism.

The genetic equivalent is estrus…males ignore pregnant females and focus on those ovulating - the female sends signals, because homo sapient females evolved a relatively inconspicuous cycle…other species can smell her cycles.
That’s why they are constantly sniffing butts.
Human females cannot help but give off their readiness in how they dress and behave.
It’s been studied that females dress provocatively during their most fertile period in the cycle.

The parasitical-meme needs to spread - it is part of tis innate programming, sensed as a desire to have linguistic intercourse - represented by the zombie need to bite and consume what remains uninfected.
When zombies are among their own they fall into a catatonic state of readiness - triggered by sound or smell.

This is relevant to the clip you posted - also study the history of their wandering and constant expulsions.
It’s their identifier.

Follow up…
Paganism or any culture based on natural order, does not need to proselytize nor convince.
Because whoever contradicts natural order - blasphemes against the gods representing it - will suffer the consequences, if and only if, no ethical rule does not force others to absorb the negative repercussions - as Abrahamism and Marxism do.
Notice that all these nihilistic dogmas and ideologies must proselytize or become global - tolerating no alternatives - and they all impose some kind of collectivism: sharing of benefits and costs.
In this way the delusion of parity is cultivated, leading to the current crisis of identity and Wokism.
Wokism ([size=80]postmodernism[/size]) - via Americanism - is linked to Abrahamism.
One of its fundamental principles is the sharing of risks and rewards and, primarily, costs.
They insist that no matter who or what, society ought to - moral imperative - absorb some, if not all of the negative consequences, of genetic inequalities.
It is “just and fair” that those born weak ought to be helped by those born strong; those born simple ought to be helped by those born smart.
See their positions on affirmative action, and abortions…

This all lead to catastrophe, of course, but try to convince one of them.
All they see are the immediate rewards and humanitarian benefits…not the long-term consequences, such as dumbing down, demographics, apathy etc.

Once you can distinguish the difference between natural and manmade, i.e., artificial, you can distinguish the difference between evolved moral behaviours and man’s ethical amendments, relative to gene/meme dynamics within nature, i.e., world, cosmos, which is not entirely ordered, but is also chaotic.

Meme - lifecycle.gif

Gene/Meme dissonance: when meme, i.e., technologies multiplying the effects of negating culture, and the biological disparities, create a chasm between mind/body, or between the real and the ideal.[size=70] [ MANifesto: Awareness/Consciousness – Binary Logic – Dualism][/size]
Mind, unhindered by space/time limitations, succumbs to temptations the body cannot overcome; forging ahead it leaves the body so far behind that it loses contact with the physical, and finds itself in a state of cognitive limbo.


You’re trying so hard with your whole soul to defend toxic masculinity.

I’ll say it again.

What women want more than sex, even though they want sex like crazy too…

Is a celibate father figure.

To be perfectly honest, I’ve seen lots of women choose sex to get rid of pain issues.

Just like people drink alcohol or take opiates.

You are a sexually frustrated Incel-Messiah …your simplistic understanding is dully noted.

It’s more complicated than that.

This is top, top secret knowledge.

All the women on earth are being controlled by one being.

I’m conquering this being.

It’s Fred. It’s the devil. It’s death.

I just put up with the war gods.

They never learn their lessons.