Geography of a woman

Everyone has attitude and ire, but that is not what I was emitting here/with my comment above… that would be wit.

You are defending the King of labelling and boxing others, ergo AoC?

The young man has a penchant for attempting to label me under something he is comfortable with/with something that helps him sleep better at night, but the labelling you speak of in the last line of the joke was the punchline to that joke, but I guess he didn’t find it funny :confusion-shrug:

My one comment led you to arrive at this conclusion? although a feminist might feel that way inclined to oppress the oppressor.

JC would say; “I’m dumb nuts”
Whoever we are
Wherever we’re from
We shoulda noticed by now
Our behavior is dumb
And if our chances
Expect to improve
It’s gonna take a lot more
Than tryin’ to remove
The other race
Or the other whatever
From the face
Of the planet altogether
They call it the earth
Which is a dumb kinda name
But they named it right
'cause we behave the same…
We are dumb all over
Dumb all over,
Yes we are
Dumb all over,
Near 'n far
Dumb all over,
Black ‘n white
People, we is not wrapped tight
Nurds on the left
Nurds on the right
Religious fanatics
On the air every night
Sayin’ the bible
Tells the story
Makes the details
Sound real gory
'bout what to do
If the geeks over there
Don’t believe in the book
We got over here
You can’t run a race
Without no feet
'n pretty soon
There won’t be no street
For dummies to jog on
Or doggies to dog on
Religious fanatics
Can make it be all gone
(I mean it won’t blow up
‘n disappear
It’ll just look ugly
For a thousand years…)
You can’t run a country
By a book of religion
Not by a heap
Or a lump or a smidgeon
Of foolish rules
Of ancient date
Designed to make
You all feel great
While you fold, spindle
And mutilate
Those unbelievers
From a neighboring state
To arms! to arms!
Hooray! that’s great
Two legs ain’t bad
Unless there’s a crate
They ship the parts
To mama in
For souvenirs: two ears (get down!)
Not his, not hers, (but what the hey? )
The good book says:
(“it gotta be that way!”)
But their book says:
“revenge the crusades…
With whips 'n chains
'n hand grenades…”
Two arms? two arms?
Have another and another
Our God says:
“there ain’t no other!”
Our God says
“it’s all okay!”
Our God says
“this is the way!”
It says in the book:
“burn 'n destroy…
'n repent, 'n redeem
'n revenge, 'n deploy
'n rumble thee forth
To the land of the unbelieving scum on the other side
'cause they don’t go for what’s in the book
'n that makes ‘em bad
So verily we must choppeth them up
And stompeth them down
Or rent a nice french bomb
To poof them out of existence
While leaving their real estate just where we need it
To use again
For temples in which to praise our god
(“cause he can really take care of business!”)
And when his humble tv servant
With humble white hair
And humble glasses
And a nice brown suit
And maybe a blond wife who takes phone calls
Tells us our God says
It’s okay to do this stuff
Then we gotta do it,
‘cause if we don’t do it,
We ain’t gwine up to hebbin!
(depending on which book you’re using at the
Time…can’t use theirs… it don’t work
…it’s all lies…gotta use mine…)
Ain’t that right?
That’s what they say
Every night…
Every day…
Hey, we can’t really be dumb
If we’re just following god’s orders
Hey, let’s get serious…
God knows what he’s doin’
He wrote this book here
An’ the book says:
He made us all to be just like him,”
If we’re dumb…
Then God is dumb…
(an’ maybe even a little ugly on the side)

No what I am saying is that you are whimps for whining at this.
You can’t just lol and shrug and move on. You need to turn it into how unfair the world is to men. omg female privilege!!!
Probably don’t even realize you are using feminism tactics.
Annoys me when women do it, and annoys me when men do it too.

Want an example of making fun of women? I got a good one.

Everybody just toughen up and learn to take a joke ok? It’s just words.

I used to think that only women had vaginas, tits, wombs, etc. But now, thanks to ILP, I realize my error. Men have vaginas, tits, and wombs too. Penis wombs and vagina dicks.

Equality rules supreme. Equal ejaculations. Equal orgasms. Equal child birth.

Men give birth to children.

Thank you, everybody, for enlightening me. Thank you, Modernity, for this wisdom.

Will someone please teach him reading comprehension!! I have no patience to do so. I am training a spoiled rotten self absorbed colt right now and the 8 month old colt has more comprehension.

Still not understanding the difference between whining about something because it offends me, and pointing out hypocrisy phoney?

Think of it like this: I am not a religious person, so when I ask religious people why don’t they obey commandment X from bible, I don’t ask them that because I am personally offended they don’t obey the bible - in fact, in many cases I am glad that people DON’T obey the bible. The reason I criticize them is if they claim that the entire bible is true and the word of God and should be followed, then their actions conflict with their supposed beliefs.

Likewise, I could not give less of a shit about bad jokes like this one, I just criticize those people who claim to espouse equality and yet they embrace jokes like these. For example, I made fun of women and femininity when I commented on phoney’s pic, but I don’t claim to embrace equality anyways so I was consistent, and I don’t pretend men are these faultless mystical creatures like women were made out to be in this thread, and yet you could have seen the butthurt responses and people not getting the obvious jokes I made.

A king of labelling and boxing others? Still a king. Why not.

And besides, what are you trying to say, that people are so mysterious, unpredictable and unknowable that they defy any attempt at categorization?

This is the modern mind. Perceiving differences, having a higher level of awareness, is bad. Being stupid, an imbecile, thinking all are the same and then being unable to find ONE example of even 2 things that are the same, much less all being the same, is good and desirable.

It’s scary to think how little truth and reality matter to you people, and how quickly you denounce them if they aren’t flattering to your emotions.

I tend to think you are indignate when you write indignation posts, yes.

One moment you’re praising higher awareness and perceiving differences, and the next you’re speaking to someone named “you people” and talking about “the modern mind”.

Is “indignate” even a word?

I assume you mean this:

And it’s interesting how you switched from overly sensitive whiners to calling me indignant… you’re retreating, phoney

It’s a stretch but yeah, I am somewhat indignant. Although I’d replace “anger” with “annoyance” in my specific case, just for the sake of accuracy. Anger is what I feel when I stub my toe, people being wrong on philosophy forums is just a slight annoyance.

But let’s get back to this: Does pointing out the inconsistency between beliefs and actions of others somehow make people sensitive whiners?

If I say I like vanilla ice cream and that I never eat any ice cream other than vanilla ice cream, then the next day you see me eating chocolate ice-cream I can just call you a sensitive whiner and it will invalidate any sort of criticism of the discrepancy between my words and actions?

Or, you can just call me something else and ignore all of my reasoning… again.

Appropriateness. If I want to address a large group I use an appropriate term encompassing a large group (people).

The point is that the gross generalities you’re speaking in makes you look like “the modern mind”, according to you. And a hypocrite. And a bitch.


I’m all for self-flattery… so I’ll allow you AoC :wink:

Why do you need to ‘attempt’ to categorise? I think there is comfort in it for you and your like, but I’m not here to ‘comfort’ anyone and make them rest easy at night.

You are gagging to label me/label everyone, aren’t you? Your filing cabinet must be full…

Or your’s… but we won’t mention that :-$

Dude, what 70 yr old woman is sexy? Unless she can afford plastic. All the so called compliments were tongue in cheek. How many women do you know fit those descriptions?? Lord Not a chance I fit Isreal or any woman that I know. It is not flattering, it is jest how a man thinks a woman sees herself in humor. Get a grip.


Wow I am glad that I am talking to a smart person who can spot a typo and then figure out what I meant. I mean from indignate to indignation, who would have guessed. Top smarts.

Indignant. There, I looked it up for you.

I am calling you a wimp for acting indignant on a joke.


If the person was just trying to be funny, yes. Don’t be that person who turns a joke into a discussion. Makes you come off like an aspie.

Depends. If I go oh hey you’re eating chocolate, so do you like chocolate now? And you say yes, and I say cool, and then the conversation ends there.
If I want to drill down on you that you are a hypocrite for eating chocolate icecream when I have heard you time and time again that you only eat vanilla and you are behaving inconsistently, I probably have some form of autism and I suck the joy out of anything fun anyone does around me, and I get hang up on things like icecream flavor and must pressure people into annoying conversations about it. Just don’t invite me for icecream anymore. I’ll be fine alone at home polishing my never opened boxes of star wars figurines.

Sort of called you an aspie. We cool?

You know why women don’t need to wear a watch?

Because there’s a clock on the stove. By the way…what the fuck are you doing out of the kitchen??

This is what I mean when I say that you are dumb.

Lolling and shrugging and moving on is not always the right thing to do in the face of stupidity. Sometimes it is. But not always. Sometimes, what you have to do is stomp on the worm. Sometimes it is wrong to lol and shurg and move on. This, of course, depends on your mood. If I am tired, I will be more passive. If I am full of energy, I will be more aggressive. The real mistake lies in being aggressive when you’re tired and passive when you’re full of energy. THAT is the real travesty.

You don’t seem to understand this. Your understanding of reality is extremely simplistic.

You are trying to enforce your cowardly, self-misrepresenting, way of thinking onto everyone else.

Stomping the worm? By complaining on the internet?

Dictionary definitions aren’t really good at defining terms of this sort.

Indignation, I would define, as aggressive whining (as opposite to passive, more sensitive, kind.) In order to understand what indignation means you have to understand what whining means.

What does it mean to whine?

Whining is a consequence of passive rejection of reality.

To reject reality means to misunderstand the dissonance between one’s map of reality and reality itself.

And to do it in a passive way means to misunderstand this dissonance by making it bigger than it really is (the aggressive way is to make it smaller than it really is.)

This naturally leads to hopelessness, and hopelessness naturally leads to whining, which means demanding that the world changes to fit your expectations (instead of you changing your expectations to fit the world.)

Indignation is simply a more aggressive variety of this passive variety of rejection of reality lol.

Here’s an example: expecting Phone to become a smart person, then getting angry for not getting her to become a smart person and then yelling at her blaming her for not becoming a smart person. This is indignation because, after making your mistake, you didn’t adapt by realizing that your expectations were too high. Of course, you have to make a difference between what is on the surface and what is in the background. If there is no adequate psychological mechanism behind a surface phenomenon, then it isn’t indignation, even though it looks like it is.

No such expectations, no such mistakes and no such denials of my mistakes are present in my behavior.

Therefore, I am not indignant.

She is, quite simply, misinterpreting me because she has a very poor understanding of how people work.