Geography of a woman

Got a problem, cowboy?

The modern mind dislikes and thus doesn’t use generalizations, so no.

Moreover, even if you are indignant, it does not make everything you say or do inferior. The mistake may be very small, and thus, without having much of an impact on what is being discussed.

It is good to be wary of this because it is a common tactic peasants such as Phoneutria employ. They would find a tiny little mistake in your behavior and then present it as if it were a big one.

Pedantry, precisely what she accuses you of.

And here she tries to shame you by implying that jokes are somehow separate from one’s intelligence.

They were just trying to be funny, so don’t turn it into a discussion . . . But if their jokes betray their stupidity, then not only is it okay to turn it into a discussion, it is also okay to turn into a fight.

You don’t have to laugh at stupid people’s jokes. You don’t have to socialize with them at all. In no way, shape or form does that make you an aspie.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: The kitchen is full of smoke from the stove thingy.

yes but you are missing the point that


No, phone, don’t be silly, it is you who are missing the point that jokes aren’t funny for no reason at all, what we find funny betrays who we are, and stupid people find stupid things to be funny, and no amount of joking will ever protect them from who and what they are as well as what they do, capisci?

It’s stupid to try to convince someone who you think is stupid that they are stupid. …They are stupid, after all.

And I find stupid people like you to be funny. Does that make me stupid?

You know what’s interesting, phone? The only person complaining and whining here is you (and Mr. R, of course), you are complaining and whining because we are demolishing this place, but you are turning it against us in order to hide this fact, too bad that does not work on me.

It is not just a joke, phone, the person who made this joke, the person who posted it (zinnat) and the person who is saying it’s just a joke (you) are all peasants.

If you are going to spread your bad smell, I will have no other choice but to deodorize it. It’s natural.

You were just owned, phoneutria.

No, that doesn’t make you stupid, that simply proves you are stupid, what made you stupid is your parents who decided, for some strange reason, to give a birth to another retard who would grow up to do nothing but post content-less posts that are worse than phoneutria’s posts and do so on some random Internet forums simply because he has been exposed for what stupifyingly stupid stupidity of stupidities he is, got it?

Speak for yourself, blowhard. Your posts are worthless.

This is exactly the point.
It doesn’t matter if the joke is stupid. When you take something that was said in jest and turn it into an argument about what is wrong with society, you display an inability to discern between intentions and betray your insecurities.

Take this for example:

Some may find it humorous, some may find it stupid. Should anyone riot? NO. …becaaaause?
It’s a joke. That’s right, andie. You have been paying attention.
If someone sees that in a forum and then starts a huge argument about how blacks are not taken seriously in society even when they are academics and blablasnore, it doesn’t matter if they are right or wrong, they are completely out of place.

Then what is the right course of action?
We are looking at four options.

  1. You can laugh,

  2. you can ignore,

  3. you can send a joke back the other way,

  4. you can through a hissy fit over it

  5. will display coolness

  6. will display maturity

  7. will display wit

  8. will display aspiness

If you answered all of the above except 4, you are correct, andy.

Summation of it is, it’s fucking funny, ok? Ruled by nuts, lol, taking the piss at the pakistani and men at the same time using the double meaning of the work. You think about it for half a second, then you go ha ha.

Keep at it dear. I believe in you.

You are putting on an empty show, phone, there is no intelligence in there, just empty show which isn’t even that interesting, there is no victory in there, you know, because simulating victory isn’t the same as victory, you are being dumb, phone, because, phone, it is not merely jokes that are stupid but also people who say them, and so, one is not over-reacting, because these people aren’t intelligent, they are dumb and they deserve to be exposed for who they are, and you are just a whiny little spoiled little bitch whore attention girl who wants to pretend to be capable of responding to me when in reality you simply can’t and you simply make a fool out of yourself.

I believe in equality of sexes.

Men are awesome and flawless.

Women are stupid worthless sex objects and should be raped and murdered.

If you think I’m inconsistent you’re just an oversensitive aspie whiner which reduces your credibility and pretty much means that your claim of me being inconsistent is invalid because oversensitive aspie whiners can’t be right.

This is how to argue philosophically.

thx for finally teching me phoney… took you long time… i hope 2 lrn more from you in future

IT’S PATHETIC. Do you really think you can just put an image in your post and think you’re some sort of philosophy queen, for fuck’s sake? You are a philosophy whore, that’s what you are, not queen, not princess, you are a WHORE, A MOTHERFUCKING INTERNET FORUMS PHILOSOPHY WHORE, that’s what you are, and no amount of posturing, no amount of images and fake civility will ever change what you really are, you bitch, understand that, no you don’t.

She ran away. She got raped and she ran away. She got raped in her tiny Brazilian butthole and she ran away, as if she didn’t like it, but I know she liked it, and I know she will return for more, and I know she will post some pics to stimulate me, I know all of these things, she will be back, and she will like it even more, but for now . . .

. . . the show is over.

This is exactly it. A joke does not necessarily portraits one’s beliefs.
You’re having a tantrum at something someone wrote for fun, and it wasn’t even original content from the OP.
And I’m telling you to chill. Take a nap.

O…K… magnus aspieson, no more energy drinks
someone makes a joke and you be like, stabbing their light fixtures

Just as a reminder, there IS a delete button. Type, read, delete, then try to type, re-type something that’s more worthy of a philosopher. An intelligent mind CAN do it…especially one such as yours.
Anyone can DO the above.
Why such blatant abuse?


Notice how phoneutria never gives any alternative explanations, she simply negates, like a true nihilist.