
It is esoteric. You have to look within, not without.

That last means Yahweh gives up power to judge to the son at his right hand. A good thing if they had not made Jesus as genocidal as dad.

That guy, if you can recognize him is you. You end in claiming your sovereignty. In DNA terms, you affirm your fitness. In spiritual terms, you have evolved and graduated.


In fantasies, the icon maters not.

What question on Gnosticism do you have in mind?


Thanks for this.

You are correct in that Gnostic Christians understand both the literalist Jewish and Christian reading of myths.

Generally, as that is all that can be said of such a fractured religion.

We are not literal readers of myths and hold no supernatural beliefs.

Nature is all that is needed to explain reality. In fact, Mother Nature makes a fool of Yahweh as she creates for the best possible end while Yahweh does not. Yahweh is genocidal while Mother Nature is not.

As a side note, please do not insult Gnostic Christians by saying we worship anything.

We are perpetual seekers and not idolaters like the mainstream religions.


Sure, that’s why you call yourself a Christian, a follower of Christ. :sunglasses:

The Gnosticism I have in mind is a natural reversion back to paganism and the old gods of this earth, to this I’ve been quite clear.

Where nature was celebrated over the materialism of mankind and where humanity’s natural behavior was understood instead of being regulated, forbidden, taboo, or chastised.

Christians, when they weren’t killing pagans or nonbelievers they often enough have killed each other over a dead Jewish God long dead. How exactly can one misinterpret Christianity especially if one is a biblical literalist? The words or voice of God are quite clear, are they not? :sunglasses:

Aren’t you suppose to be a Satanist? Another group of imbeciles that don’t understand the history or meaning behind Saturnus. Truly a tragedy and a comedy.

It’s clear you worship Christ and that is all I need to know of your fraud. :sunglasses:

Don’t invoke mother nature with your Semitic demon of a God, it insults her and your religion has raped this earth that brings you shame in mentioning her at all. On a side note, mother earth while being female is nothing without the male aspect, but that is a different conversation altogether. [The earth being both male and female having both aspects.]

I looked within, then started to want to look without, and so I did… as it was all about what everything meant to us, in relation to all else and our place in it.

Well I nearly failed in that endeavour, because I told our Deacon that I didn’t think god existed #-o I then retracted my claim, so that I could sit on the right hand side of Our Father in Heaven. After which, the Confirmed were free to choose their path and wider sect, of which I chose spirituality over religiosity, which was kindly accepted by all. :smiley:

It’s definitely an evolution, and a continual moving-forward… as those that wear laurels don’t rest on em…

Me? A satanist! Hahaha, I’ve never been a satanist. What’s that have to do with anything? That’s ad hominem actually, doesn’t that mean you’ve lost?

Pagan gods, all of the pagan gods are simply man externalizing their own inner psyche, which adds up to the monotheistic description of the Christian god (when spiritual people caught on to the fact that the deity is wisdom itself and a transcendental function of consciousness and reality), people who act off of a misunderstanding of the Bible and religions, does not mean the original intent of the religion or Bible is based on their act.

Dude, you’re sporting a Baphomet in your avatar with an inverted pentagram. Yeah, I’m not a monotheist so…

Yes, baphomet is not Satan. Satan is just metaphor for man’s ignorance, instinct, animal side. If not to do with Saturn as Lucifer is to Venus. Baphomet is a deity and symbol of duality/balance. It is modern Thoth, since it is pan, hermes’(Thoth) son. If you look up satanism and their church, they changed the symbol to having no breasts, baphomet has breasts to depict feminine as well as phallus to depict masculine. To remove one is to upset the symbols nature and representation of duality, which means it would no longer be Baphomet. I also have a meaning for the inverted pentagram. The points to the side of it represent elements, the top or bottom point depicts spirit, when flipped and point is down, spirit is at the bottom, it represents man’s consciousness/spirit evolving through the use of the elements, a symbiotic relationship, normal pentagram the spirit is on top, through its use of the elements it triumphs over and rules elements now, in reality we have survived and use them constantly.