Does consciousness really exist? Does anything for that matter really exist? You want to test the idea of whether God (or the concept of God) explains everything…
Well, what everything are we talking about here. Firstly, prove to me that anything even exists so we can positively say that everything is. Prove to me without any assumption that consciousness even exists.
Prove to me that the belief in science is not a religion. It founds all of it’s claims on assumptions, observations and ideas. Who said that an observation was proof of anything? Who is so rash as to say that if you see something then it must have been true? Who says that you are really having any thought of your own? Is a predictable reaction to a give action proof of anything? Perhaps it is as long as gravity remains constant and the air pressure is the same and the millions of conditions remain the same. Perhaps even a complicated algorithm can make a prediction 99.99999999% of the time…like a limit approaching 100%. But it is not 100% unless you decide that 100% is something other than what 100% is.
How can God explain himself to that which can not understand it? If we are capable of really understanding anything that is.
Perhaps, we are all trapped in a room we call the universe and perhaps God himself is not…how would you explain that to those who can not ever imagine anything outside the room?
Anyway, I’m sorry if I seem like I am on the attack… I am not. It is not my intention to attack anyone. I may be a bit passionate about this.
Regardless, it is a good question I think, but one that may not be answerable. It’s a kin to the human mind really being aware that it is a human mind. Is it? I’m not conviced. What I am convinced of is a whole lot of illusion and people who are taking in a whole lot of illusion as it is were some kind of absolute reality (assuming we know what reality really is).
So, I suppose God does not explain everything to all people, therefore they created the word science which to others seems to justify the answers better because it (apparently) does not involve the concept of God. Personally, I see many windows in my house all looking at the same thing —> Outside. Just with different viewing angles.
God, to me, explains just as much in a single word as the entire history of every branch of science. Perhaps it even explains more to me since the concept of God is at least conclusive within this Universe, whereas science will never be.
I am a fan of science, but I do not take pleasure in seperating it completely from the God possibility as many scientific people do. I also fail to see the conflict which exists between the two spheres of thought since I can quite harmoneously merge the two concepts. Some say this is paradoxical…yeah but so is the whole of the universe and the answers to things tend to be paradoxical. If you accept that the paradox exists then you no longer have a problem. To me it is a more natural way of thinking.
How many sides to a coin are there? One, two…perhaps three if you include the side of it (the width), may four with time thrown it, perhaps even more. The perspective is pretty important in this sort of thing.
How can there be solid ground that easily behaves like a liquid and is actually 99.99% empty space between atoms? How can there be an infinite number of smaller particles to particles that eventually will turn out to be nothing more than energy and possibly vibrations…How can there be matter when none actually exists?
You see, those who attack the God explaination in the name of science may like to remind themselves, that even though they seek the true answers to things, they also subscribe to a school of thought that changes its mind about as fast as people change underwear. That is quite paradoxical if you ask me…so we know nothing except what we collectively accept as being the truth. Everything we argue about. And since we basically argue about everything, I would put forth that we must know we little then.
If God explains everything to you…that is fine. If not then science might help you instead. If not, then try a blend of the two flavors and see if you prefer that. Otherwise you will need to invent a new way of thinking and see if you can get people on board that cult as well.