Ladies and Gentlemen, the ole deity himself has finally decided to join ILP. With his guidance, joy and wisdom will rain down like manna from heaven. Let’s give the poster named God a hearty round of applause.
[the sound of a pin dropping can be heard over the audience]
He better be apt to contradictions, and a huge idiot…
Don’t forget the ego…
Oh ye roistering folk, yet thy ego’s be a reflection of mine.
Fails to realise the difference between grammar and punctuation.
you guys are comedy relief!!! Praise the lord!!
I was under the impression that humor generally reigned in the mundane babble forum. Like any true philosopher, i am now questioning those assumptions. What do you think, God?
Why do you automatically assume God is male? ever heard of the great fertile earth goddess?
You go, Lady Sphinx, tell it like it is.
I hope God is a woman too.
The closest thing I’ve ever experienced to “heaven” was between the legs of an ex-girlfriend. Well, okay, between the ears too(she was very intelligent). Hey, I’m not trying to be vulgar, rude, tactless, tasteless, obnoxious, offensive, spiteful, hateful, sarcastic or drastic, I’m telling the honest truth.
I would love to have a crush on God. That would be better than a male God which I would simply revere.
It is amazing that at a certain period in our history all of the old female Gods were killed by the male Gods. Joseph Campbell and others allude to this. It happened in a number of pre-BC religions and seems to have occurred at about the same time that we made the transition from nomadic living to agrarian, property-based permanent domociles. We need more female Gods in the pantheon! There is a big gaping hole in my psyche!
god is a pro noun he her him it they
have you heard of Tim Lahaye
he knows god personally
they are on the same bowling team or something
Yeah. Then God like split (get it) for another team and ole Tim was left behind, one of the remnant as it were.