God is love? I'm tired of...

I’m tired of hearing atheist, agnostics, and whoever else posts against the faith in God about this subject. “If God loves everyone than why does he allow people to suffer?” I’m tired of hearing this, THINK for once. Why doesn’t anyone think beyond whats right in front of them anymore?

If you can’t answer this question I will. It isn’t possible that nobody would suffer because of how we’re created. What may be suffering for one person can also be joy for another(and these can effect others, connected). Another thing is we almost never, maybe never, learn anything from pleasure. Most of the valuable lessons you will learn from life come from pain.

God is “Perfect”. Quit bringing him down to our level and judging his plans for our lives. We expect him to show us, and he can’t possibly do that.

“It does not surprise me either that some disbelieve the reality of an unseen world, an age dominated by images. For many, God cannot possibly exist unless he makes himself visible- and God does not perform on our terms.”
— Philip Yancey

I really like this quote by Philip Yancey and may I suggest many of you read “Rumors Of Another World”

This book isn’t for those who want facts, but for those who enjoy philosophy. What Yancey has to say in this book is for those who live in the questions of believing whether or not something exists…no bible bashing for those who hate that.

That’s not what I posted about though…my main point is that if Christians post, listen to what they have to say. Any Christian who is big into philosophy at all should have a good reason for believing why he does. So for those atheist/agnostics/etc. who do this, don’t use stupid(stubborn) assumptions to questions many of us Christians can answer. All you have to have is an open mind and ask.

I was going to end with that but I’ll just add, MANY things are logical. It’s just as logical to believe in a God than not to, but maybe you should look at the evidence before making a decision. Respect everyone’s beliefs and don’t assume they’re just an idiot as many of you seem to do. Stephen Hawking is a genius and an idiot, and sometimes those we think don’t know what they’re talking about actually know more than any of us could ever imagine. I’m just tired of bitter assumptions…why can’t we just all ask questions and hear reasons…this Religious bashing has Got to stop unless you have evidence and reasons behind your points.

How tired could you be of it? You’ve only been registered for a day.

Take into consideration I’ve been listening to it before I joined this site.

Usually when people can’t agree, disagree, or answer a question they ask one on a tangent…I don’t believe I asked “i’m tired of this?” but that’s ok.

Okay, I can dig it. :slight_smile:

Haha well good, I like to dig for answers and respect others who do the same. Not just for you but for anyone who has input about anything at the moment concerning the things I’ve talked about feel free to post and lets discuss, but I would like to leave out those who just want to make a statement and won’t give a backup.

No. You think. Perhaps if you did you would not be faced with blind faith. I have struggled with this question the entirety of my life You probably refuse to understand what is going on to people in Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. What do children do to deserve what they get? Molestation, murder, oppression, but wait…there is sooo much to learn from it right?

I have seen things; which would make me hate my fellow man four times over. Yet, I don’t. Because I know that man is nothing more than a simple biological entity who is just an animal. To think that any being would support or condone the actions of humanity is selfish, inane, and downright silly. Unless of course it is some bloodthristy Aztec quality God.

Sure we do it is called positive reinforcement. Sex, eating, etc. We learn it can give us great pleasure therefore we wish to do it again, and again, and again.

Or maybe he just doesn’t exist! If he was perfect he could show us…and if he has a plan for our lives; then why do we live? Wouldn’t that take all the God like lessons out of our life?

Most atheists don’t struggle with the unseen world. They struggle with the unseen world of man. Atomic theory has been around since the Greecians, now I accept that since it has proof. So, why is it foolish to expect proof? Would you automatically assume someone is cheating on you without proof? I would hope not.

I respect your openness but I find that people who accept God do so because they get sick of asking questions which have no answers. So, they go to the next best thing; God. Man is often so arrogant that they would prefer to say “I know. God did it.” instead of admitting their own ignorance.

What does Hawking have to do with this? I don’t believe Christians are idiots I just wish they would have an open-mind and admit that they may be wrong come the end. I bash the arrogance that people who believe in such believe they are the Ultimate Truth. Which would mean almost no one on this Earth, assuming there is an after-life, would be saved. Which to me is one of those bitter assumptions. Athiests have there evidence…perhaps it is you who should be looking for your proof.

on the stuff going on in Africa, etc, this may be a bit better of an explanation.

God created us as creatures of choice. we can choose to follow Him, or not. He told us what would happen for both choices, the consequences of our actions. He doesn’t make the pain happen, or cause people to suffer - we do! Those people in Africa choose to disobey God and to embrace evil by doing such atrocities.

The idea is that God loves us, so he respects our decisions, basically giving us what we asked for. If we love Him, serve Him, and follow Him, we have shown that we want to be with Him for eternity, so He lovingly grants our request shown through our lives. If we choose to disobey and deny God, then He says that’s ok it’s what you wanted. It’s like a teacher or professor. Through our textbook, the Bible, He presents to us all that we need to know. But He also tells us there will be quizzes and tests, leading up to the final exam. If some people don’t listen or pay attention, don’t study, or talk to the teacher when they need something, then they will ultimately fail the exam. For the little quizzes and such they can cheat and all, but there’s no easy way on the exam.

And actually, we have our proof in historical documents - they are called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You still have yet to prove US wrong.

And no, sorry, we accept God because of the incredible proof presented to us through the Bible, and events in our own lives that we can’t even begin to express. It’s not just because of our parents or friends, because when it comes down to it, when you’re on your own in the world, they don’t have such a tight influence on you anymore. That’s where it comes out as to what you really believe.

Sorry for the long post, but please read it all. Thanks.

If the Bible is proof, then the Qu’ran is too and you should be a Muslim… (see the atheist insanity thread)

whoa, nice assumption there, but no. we have put the Bible up against other such things like teh Qu’ran and the Torah, which is somewhat a part of the Christian Bible. Don’t be so hasty to say that if you think one thing is true, then the rest must be as well - they are nothing like the Bible to us. so it doesn’t work like that. sorry.

Your post over all was most excellent ChristianThinker. But I would like to point out a couple of things in your post that appear to be in error.

Not to sell all of your post short, but God does indeed cause pain. The bible states emphatically that God places a stumbling block before all the workers of iniquity. This is causing pain. This is not meant to take away from the completely correct statement about we humans causing pain as well. We do far more pain causing than God will ever do, the difference is that ours is born of evil whereas Gods is not. Be at peace with punishment from God. For if He punishes you it is because He loves you and there is justification in it!

I would like to warn you that God does not respect our decisions. Just because He will allow us to make them does not mean that He respects them.

About the quizes and exams… I dont have much of a coment. Its a strange explanation but some people might agree.

I will say that all in all your post is still rather a good one. Noticing by some of the other posts people like to blame God more than themselves for all the trouble they are in or see going on.

God gave man free will, and this is the price of it. The ability to commit to evil. God is proving to us that we are lost without Him.

You’re tired of people not agreeing with your god? What are ya going to do? Behead somebody?

i definitely see your point, except for one small thing. I meant that God respects our ultimate decisions to either follow Him or to deny Him, by giving us what we asked for.

other than that, thanks for the compliments and everything, and for adding on to mine. God bless :wink:.

If you would go and look at the post I was referring to, my argument is that the Qu’ran is in many ways as good a proof for Islam as the Bible is for Christianity. I don’t think you have good reasons to say the Bible is true and the Qu’ran is not. You just prefer one over the other because you were raised in a Christian environment.

I hate to burst your bubble but the Bible has more historically proven evidence than any other religious document on earth. Maybe that is meant to be a part of the proof of the correctness of it well who knows. There have been many things proven in the bible, especially historically, but there is yet to prove something wrong. This is important to keep in mind when taking the Bible into question.

The other things about the bible that helps to prove itself are the prophecies. Its entirely correct and much of it has been researched. You dont even have to include Revelations at all, just read the prophecies that have been foretold and came to pass as written.

You can take the one about the jews for example. 2 days is equal to 1000 years. There is a prophecy thats states the jews will be scatter to the corners of the earth for rejecting Christ, and that at/near the end of the 2nd day He would bring them back together.

Some years after Christ was Crusified Israel was broken and its people scatter. It hase been nearly 2000 years and we are near the end of the 2nd day and now the Jews have a State again. Coincidence? Thats up to you to believe.

Nice work, Astral. You should apply your technique to the quatraines of Nostrodamus.

We’ll see whose bubble is burst.

If I were to write a nice accurate history of the US, together with the position that I thought George Washington was god, would that make my assertion correct? The fact that archaeology has verified some aspects of some biblical events does not mean that the theological interpretation of those events is correct. That interpretation was probably added by the Hebrew people over generations.

One of the most famous of these supposed fulfilled prophecies, thevirgin birth prophecy, is in fact a sign that the gospel authors and the Christian community made up the virgin birth to make it look like a prophecy was being fulfilled. Some of the ‘prophecies’ were also not prophecies at all but written after the fact. And like the article says, many of them are quoted out of context so that they look like they’re prophesizing something totally different than they are in context. Here is another skeptical resource about biblical prophecy. As you’ll see if you read these articles, you’ve got a lot of research to do if you think that biblical prophecy proves the inspiration of the bible or Jesus’ divinity.

I’m not familiar with this one. You’ll need to give me some references.


God created Satan.

Satan is Evil.

Therefore God created evil.


NO ONE. Can argue with me about that. Not even God. That right there is cold hard proof that God created evil. I dare someone to challenge me. I dare them.

God you christians are stupid. I’m not biting my tounge. Not one bit. Christians truly live thier lives with the Praise of Folly.

by the way Satori owned this one. God you people need to think for yourselves and stop being your god’s ventriloquist dummy.

“Never believe what a christian says, it may be the word of God”

I notice that Christians always beat around the bush. ALWAYS. Satori makes a query or statment and a christian will quickly reply but they NEVER get to the heart of the problem. It’s always “they deserve it” or “They rejected Jesus”. Ehhh it’s sickening. You people are sociopaths. Get help.




I fathered a child
My child broke a neighbor’s window
Therefore, I broke a window.

Eh…I think not. Moral culpability is in the hands of any entity capable of moral choice. Satan fell from grace. Just like man.

Oops…I think I just argued with you.

I wont take your insult personally since you have already demonstrated a tenuous grasp of logic.