Got Pagan Rams? Hey, that's not Satan. Big word-mix-up

Yo, this reminds me of an Kemetic Ram godform. Not biblical Satan at all. I dunno why they call it “Satanism”. They really goofed up on the name. They should have called their ideology: “Amunism” or: “Khnumism”.

[size=75]I thought the freaked-out goat-dragon dude I seen was damn-fine, but yes, a non-literal form…[/size]

This is a classic example of people giving words double meaning.


What ever happened to Dr.Satanical? He was a proud member of the CoS, if I remember correctly. The boards just dont feel the same without him.

On the name; I believe they called it what they did to attract attention and make people actually question what it was, whereby they begin to question their own beliefs. Confusing at first glance, and pain to explain to some people, but there it is.

A leftist play on Jewish culture, combined with philosophical “value”, sold as a product, consumed by faith and communion instinct.