Gravity for Us Dummies

I have one question about gravity…
I am a dummy. I need help from the gravity experts…
A rock is on the ground…it cant move down…
Is there an attraction that the earth exerts on the rock…

There is also an attraction between the rock and another one 2 feet away from it.
When you walk by, there is an attraction between your body and the rock.

phyllo-----i dont understand what this has to do with spacetime curvature…anything??

You don’t need to look gravity from the perspective of spacetime curvature.

Your body is curving space.

Your body is attracted to every mass in the universe.

You have to think about the path of the rock as we might draw it out in space and in time. The path that the rock is trying to make in time is one where it goes, in space, toward the centre of the Earth. This is, essentially, what we might think of as the natural line of how the rock should move through spacetime. It just happens that there is something in the way: the surface of the Earth.

Everything with mass or energy slightly changes these natural lines.

so there is no such thing as a graviton…this is confusing to this dummy…

Which abstraction of gravity are you interested in?
-quantum field theory
-general relativity
-Newtonian gravity

A “graviton” is a theoretical particle derived by the notion that if EM waves can quantize into particles, then perhaps gravity can also.
I happen to know independently that they can’t, so from me; “no there is no actual such thing as a graviton”.

If there are gravitons, then they would be the particle that manages the curving of spacetime.

this is over my head…

Newton explained how these masses interact but he didn’t know why.

Go down to the subatomic level and maybe gravity is caused by gravitons.


It’s really simple, turtle. Simpler than you think.

But to see just how simple it is, you have to start with a light beam, then move on to an electron, and then you’ll understand what happens to that rock.