Heaven and Hell

See Jason’s comments about the use of philosophy in a religious forum.

True. And Augustine’s “The City of God” gave us the first Christian ideas of everlasting rewards and punishments for sinners. The Catholic (Universal orthodox) Church followed Augustine’s ideas instead of those of Origen.

On universal salvation.

What the hell?? How is that possible??

Ezekiel 18:19-20 NIV

Here is a brief presentation of the history of the concept

According to Paul Ricoeur, the most primal and spontaneous symbols of evil are defilement, sin and guilt. The idea of original sin is logically downstream from those phenomena.

My thoughts have been expressed previously. Also here just now: ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.p … 3#p2867623

So you literally believe that everyone originated from Adam and Eve? 6000 odd years ago?

Phyllo, I used to believe in a very old earth & evolution. As a Christian. I used to refer folks to biologos.org/questions until Covid, because Dr. Collins supported the “narrative”. Made me put everything in doubt.

I do not know the science well enough to argue pro/con any particular position, though I have read up & written up & forgotten a whole lot.

I do know a few arguments for God’s existence that would be sound regardless the age of anything, though.

Original sin ties everyone back to Adam and Eve.

If there was evolution, then it’s not clear what the original sin could be.


So what?

So what if we don’t know how the first sin really went down?

“the first sin” is not the same as “original sin”.

Moving on …

So why should there be a doctrine of “original sin”? It seem highly toxic to me.

People ought to feel guilty about … what? Something that they did not do?

It just means (as far as I accept the implications) that sin ripples out & poisons all it touches.

Jesus’ forgiveness has the reverse healing effect. Love neutralizes the poison.

His is a bigger deal than ours, because his love/sacrifice is perfect…

Or one can just accept that we are not perfect and move on. No saviour required.

Move on from a bigger Yes that satisfies our hunger for goodness, beauty, and perfect being?

Cuz why, exactly? Drawin a blank here.

Doya love philosophy or doncha?

Cuz you’re dependent on a saviour and you don’t need to be.

Save yourself.

Save myself from a bigger Yes that satisfies our hunger for goodness, beauty, and perfect being?

Cuz why, exactly? Drawin a blank here.

Doya love philosophy or doncha?

(This is fun.)

Ecmandu is waiting for you in the other thread.

Run along now.

Finally! We are now more or less almost nearly on the same page here!!

Him and her.

The New ILP in a nutshell!

Well, for some, anyway. :wink: