Heisman's suicide note....

You said somewhere in there morality increases survival potential. First of all we live forever—death is a gate to the next level but — like groundhog day…he had to “get the point” to advance, not just storm the gate. Second of all, it’s about what’s worth dying for. Survival is just the resistance part (“risking survival”) that gives meaning to the idea that something has value to you. You don’t actually have to go through with the dying part in order to live like it’s worth dying for. otherwise it’s gonna be hard to make sense of stuff like “the wages of sin is death“. The author of the universe is a poet, AND there is nothing new under the sun.

  • name withheld

Abrahamic superstitions aside…
Survival of the gene…or the meme.

Moral behaviour - later encoded by humans - evolves among social species to facilitate cooperative survival and reproductive strategies.
Ethics adds to these evolved behaviours…Mosaic Commandments being an example.
Now we enter into nihilism and the survival of the meme, i.e., the ideal, the concept…such as your Abrahamic one-god.
The idea survives, from mind to mind, but the body dies.

Two sources of memory: DNA (genetic), and Experiential (memetic)
For nihilists, like you and your unnamed source…all that matters is that the memetic memory survives - the detached form reality idea - even if it necessitates the sacrifice of the genetic - ergo WASPS have committed genetic suicide…

If the idea survives from mind to mind you are acknowledging something about mind…

… What was it that Nietzsche said about not being able to translate perfectly between two languages?

winkity wink wink

I am acknowledging that mind serves body…and if the mind fabricates ides that are detached form the tangible, physical, corporeal, it is fabricating a fantasy…like Leprechauns, or Satyrs.

What translates between minds is what is common…like anxiety, hope, the pierced world, like need, desire…
Memories can be communicated…through intercourse…
Genetic memories through physical intercourse - using eggs/sperm…memetic memories through mental intercourse - using semiotics, language.
winkity wink wink

One of the sources of your Abrahamic memories…
ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.p … 1#p2891571
Slave morality. Herd psychology.

Contradiction is the ornament that our species uses, the conspicuous consumption to call for and attract mates, it is the mating call of this species to prove that you have enough resources to cannibalize your own rationality and still be alive.

— name withheld

Self-contradiction is a sign of mental dissonance.
A lie, or compartmentalization.
To hold two opposing views simultaneously in the mind without seeking to harmonize them.

institutionalized schizophrenia.
It’s the only way nihilistic dogmas, like Abrahamism, can survive.
As I’ve said…nihilists must contradict their own convictions if they hope to survive in a world they deny.

Have you no sense of irony? Or is it me?


Neither? Cuz we think not?

I think Nietzsche walked the line his mother put him on to be unique … and to impress a psychologist that line got very, very thin, especially if fueled by pissing off his mother… that he sliced his mind down the middle…

Uniqueness pushed too far becomes contradiction.

There is a line between funny contradictions, scary contradictions, and the unexpected.

Indifference until there is enough data shows strength of mind IF YOU LOVE TRUTH. Why indifference?—an important question.

Permanent indifference is a contradiction. Your body may live supported by others, but your mind devolves.

Especially if you must FEIGN indifference in the presence of compelling data. If you convince yourself you’re not feigning… consider what is driving you. Be “indifferent” to THAT!

I do have a sort of admiration for those who can argue both sides. But the good ones don’t leave you hanging. They correct the b.s. or refer you to where the corrections are found.

The bad ones just lie to lie. Satisfied with mud pies.

^don’t love ‘em any less

Your inability to become objective, must be sour graped.
Your entrapment in your subjectivity…prevents you from understanding what is incompressible to you.

The contradictions are in your understanding, not in the ones you think you understand.

On the other hand… there are those who intentionally teach a watered down Nietzsche that is not technically wrong… he would roll over in his freaking grave… if that was a thing. Poetic justice.

yeah sour fake graped :wink:

I am more distant from life than anyone, but I’m also not a pussy so it never made me sad.

As usual. You are the greatest and best…
Live in your head, and wait for death.

I’m not waiting. We’re all already dead. When the universe achieves maximal entropy, then from the position of any particle in the homogenous quantum foam, the structure of time dissolves. Time is a measure of change. When no change can take place anymore, backwards and forwards in time become the same thing. The next moment after that entropic maximum can equally be said to be the beginning of the universe and the end of it. The mathematical model of that maximal entropy is also the model for a big bang. Understand? Once maximum entropy is reached, there is no difference between going back and forward in time; that moment is simultaneously the big bang and the end. Time turns in on itself. It really is just a circle.

That’s how I know this suicide note guy, who I first heard about in like 2008, was no philosopher.

Philosophers are cursed to live. We cannot kill ourselves because we understand that just returns us to the moment of our birth, to do this same bullshit over again. You can’t escape this with death. If it was that easy to escape the Real.

In all that pseudo-intellectual jargon…a mind has already gone insane.
The idea that from chaos emerges order, is known.
No creator involved.

Your self-hatred is obvious.
It stinks in your self-aggrandizements.

Do you even know why he killed himself?

No eternal return.
The circle is open…not closed.

No 8.

He killed himself because his brain was a failure, like everyone else who ever killed themselves. His shit didn’t work. If it did, he’d still exist.

Man if you think my off-handed comment in here was full of jargon, you gotta get a load of my last real post here it’s like 70-80 pages and shit.

The circle is closed dude. Even Penrose says so:


I found this only much later, after having my own realization about how the arrow of time turns back around at maximum entropy. Or not turn around. It’s just that the beginning and end of the universe are the same thing once maximum entropy is obtained. It’s not really a circle though, I need Heisenberg groups and Terwilliger algebra to describe this intransitive structure (it doesn’t conform to ordering schemes) of time.

It’s not a Nietzsche kind of return. I hate Nietzsche as much as you do, but for different reasons. (I also love him, for being the beautiful failure that he was. It is sometimes necessary, in the words of the great philosopher Matthew Mcconaughey in his Lincoln commercial, you know, once of those car commercials he has, to take a step backward, in order to actually move forward. Nietzsche was, for philosophy, that step backward.)

No, that was incidental.
It had to do with his Jewishness.

Of “shit,” indeed.

Well, if Penrose says so…it must be so.

There is no return of the same.
Chaos prevents it.
The circle is open outward…pinching in to a duality - Yin/Yang - and expanding out…forever.
No return of the same. That’s another way of describing eternal life…and you are trapped in Abrahamism and its seductive promises.
Even if we reassemble it is never in exactly the same way…we live different lives every time.

The great diagnostician was not a great metaphysician…he said this about your condition