Hello everyone,
I wasn't sure where to post this topic. But, I figured this would be a more proper place to post, since it was a general discussion type forum. Anyways, I'm new here. My name is Dark Prince, and I'm no newbie to message boards, so, I can find my way around. ^_^. I've had a real interest in philosophy lately, and I've been reading books on it. I may be asking/posting a lot of question's, so I apologize, if some of the question's I may post sound a little awkward or strange. I hope to have a good time here, and maybe learn some new things. You guys have a great board by the way. As I was reading the other topics and posts, you guys have much more intelligante discussion's then when I was at this other board that I work at. So, greeting's to all, I hope to provide some of my insight on Philosophy. I'm still new at it, and I joined because you people seemed like a good group who could possibly help a newbie to philosophy every now and then. ^_^. So, hello all!
~~Dark Prince~~