Her, in synesthesia

[contented edited by ILP]


I like the setting of the poem and your inclusion of the connection between the feminine, the powerful, and the moon. Also,you did a good job of making all the senses struggle to “imagine”, especially on the last line when your senses (or at least mine) are trapped with thier ordinary sensory experiences and find it hard to imagine such a sensation.

Is the Her anyone specific?
What was the experience or origiantion of this poem?

[contented edited by ILP]

“? Unanswerable.” Are you saying that it is unanswerable because you do not remember or something of that liking or is it because it is personal? Answering with the response of " Unanswerable" seems weak and like you are hiding from something. Even if it is personal, why not share so that we may all better understand the full intent of the poem.
(If you do not want to “advertise” it, please consider sending me a PM-I am in love with wanting to discover what is behind the poem!)

[contented edited by ILP]

The guy just got here and already you bombard him with hasty assumptions. Heres one. A false dilemma.

Are you saying that there are no reasons for something being unanswerable other than the one’s you present? Surely some slight amnesia and a bad date aren’t the only reasons, yes?

Then you go on to say that this is a mark of weakness, what is, ironically, you’re presumptuous conclusion that “unanswering” questions is evidence of some personal problem, and carry on probing him with a spot-light.

Woah lady.

A coffee shop poetry reading gone bad. The horror. Ab, I feel ya’ brother. I’d like to meet one of these archetype women myself.


Fairies on a string, secret crystal powers, supergalactic omnipresent oneness flowing forth from the mother goddess as we embrace the spirit of love.

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Hey, you could be Mother Teresa and I’d still be concerned. Me help you, specifically? Why you, I don’t know you, why would I assume that you need my ‘help?’

It isn’t ‘who’ she said it to, it was ‘that’ she said it. That is my concern, I admit, a small one, so I’ll piss off.

Alright, I am sorry that I caused so much negative energy by my question. But I was only curious. I did not mean to attack your poem but simply wanted to see where you were coming from when you wrote it.
And in response to de’trop’s comment on me being assumptious, I was. But by asking with an assumptious question, I thought his answer would be efficient to wipe away my “hasty assumptions”.
Also, in regards to de’trop’s to comments/addition to my sayings that are at the end of my posts, were you, de’trop, trying to mock me? And if you were thinking that I was some hippie (again I am assuming), well I do not consider myself one. I do not dwell nor believe in such magical notions.

Great. Im glad that was cleared up. The poem was ok.