I’m not sure how many of you know or remember me, or even give a damn about all that, but I’m Patrick C. I’ve been a member for a fairly long time, made a few posts, maybe a couple a day for a year or so.
The reason for my return, for now, starts with the advent of a “free thinkers, atheists, and agnostics” club at my high school. I’m an agnostic. I’ve been raised so as to induce me to grow up to be a Christian. My parents, up until about two hours ago, didn’t know this. I lost my faith at a church-camp a few years ago. The club, for me, was an amazing experience. It was, to me, refreshing, liberating, and… just wonderful to be in an environment where I felt free and open to talk about my beliefs, and to learn from others.
My mom, who apparently runs the spy-network of mothers at my school, and knows everything (I’m not fucking kidding, she knows about stuff that goes down at school before I do, most of the time. She asked if I went to the chorus rehearsal today, and I told her “no.” She instantly knew that I had gone to the “atheist club” as she called it, today, but she asked anyway.
Her initial reaction was one of anger, telling me that I needed to stop being “wishy-washy” about my faith. At that point, I revealed to her that I lost my faith two summers ago, at WorldView Academy (a summer camp). She then said she didn’t want to talk to me, so I left. After a while, she talked to me about it, and she mostly seemed worried about my eternal soul than anything else. She asked that I not go to the club unless she says so, and I just kind of stared at her. Anyway, here I am again, looking for more.
Thanks for taking the time to read this abbreviated version of my adventures with (a) god.
–Patrick C.