Not sure if this belongs in General Chat, or if there’s a lot to say about it, but I wondered what people’s opinions were about this whole ordeal with Prince Harry.
Personally I actually think it’s been dealt with pretty well by Charles etc- not too overdramatic, yet they’ve dealt with it as a real problem.
What I did find a bit gay is the way all the papers are like “apparently, he’s drunk alcohol!!!”. For crying out loud, of course he has. All the royals are complete alcoholics anyway.
so true, nic … i hate the way a member of the royal family taking drugs or even (shock!) drinking alcohol is bigger news than a child 5 years younger doing the same thing.
but yeah, the way the royals’re reacting to a load of tabloids finding out (ie. we knew about it, and its an old problem which has been sorted) is sensible.
to be fair though, i don’t really care what the royals’re up to. i’m sorry harry’s got a drugs problem, but in the same way that loads of kids his (should i say our) age have. they’re emphasising that its him, not that its someone of his age.
According to the Observer Drugs Uncovered supliement in the 16-24 age group 51% of people have tried an illegal drug… Of which 83% have taken cannabis, 27% ecstasy, 25% speed, 22% lsd, 22% cocaine, 21% mushrooms, 7% crack, 4% ketamine and 4% heroin…
Of those who had ever taken drugs (in the entire age range), 48% still do occasionally…
Well, that’s probably why it’s about as popular as heroin. Having said that, it’s only an anesthetic. It makes you numb, or, if you take enough, is meant to separate you from reality, which is basically the idea behind most drugs anyway. And it’s reasonably safe generally from what I hear.
I’ll just never forget seeing that really scary bloke who’d taken it - remember clarice? if that’s what safe drugs do, i’m really not up for the dangerous ones!
Well, strictly speaking Ketamine is normally produced for animals, not humans. It was formerly used for human surgery, but it was replaced by safer drugs.
ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic, basically separating your mind from your body - take a bit and youll be stumbling aorund the place uncoordinated and generally wierd, take lots and youll just be on the floor majorly fucked up. cool eh?
i saw some african vet program a few months ago when they gave a monkey ketamine to operate on its thumb… the look on his face… i’ve sen so many people looking exactly the same slumped around the local drug-club with their eyelids twiching