The title was a typo. It was supposed to say, “Homosexuality as a religious sect,” but I rather like it the way it is.
I’m having problems wrapping my mind around gayness. That sounds as though I have a problem with the practice, I have a problem with the people, or I have a problem with people who have a problem with gays.
To be honest, I’m rather neutral in terms of the act. It doesn’t bother me, and it doesn’t move me. However, it does intrigue me. I have a girlfriend who is obsessed with gay boys. She even stated she wants to have a gay son one day. I have met gay men, though, and they dont want to talk about their homosexuality. It’s as though if I bring up the topic, that this is all I see them as. One even told me after I asked jokingly, “Well, are you voting for Bush?” this, and I quote: “Heh, gee, I almost forgot I was gay for a second.”
You ARE gay. Why would you want to FORGET that?
But… then I started thinking. This is similar to how people treat their religion. Often times it’s viewed like a racial slur, but it’s not. It’s more as though one is making a religious slur. If I had gone up to a Jew and stated, “Well, are you voting for La Rouche?” in a joking manner, they would treat it the same. The mental interpretation is the same.
People are upset when they are reminded of their religion… moreso than their race. If you make a comment to a black person about their race, they find more black people and beat the shit out of you…in a twisted way this brings them together. If you call Mexians lazy, you’re liable to get cut by fourty bean eaters waving tortilla chips and farting up a storm. But…that’s because they’re strong in the face of adversity. If you tell Asians they have a small penis, they go cry in a corner and no longer associate with you, but talk a great deal of shit behind your back. If you make a religious joke, though, people take it with hurt… but they don’t always take it to heart. It’s almost like, “Gee, I almost forgot I was Catholic.”
Why is this? I can only see two possible answers for this. One, it’s more acceptable in our society to pick fun at gays or two, it’s not viewed the same by the gay community itself. I lean towards the latter, but it’s probably a little of both or another option I have yet to consider. Gays DO seem to view it as a choice, even if their feelings are not chosen. I mean, even the term “Gay Community” reminds me of the “Mormon Community” or the “Catholic Community” more than it does the “Black Community”. Why? Well, what do the Catholic Community, Mormon Community, and Gay Community have in common? Actions. They all require a certain level of participation or ritual or act in order to be considered a member. You’re an automatic member of the Black Community at birth, though. No amount of action will change that.
Why am I posting this? Mostly because it disturbs me how gays treat themselves. There’s an overabundant level of shame in their community. This is very dangerous. This means they take themselves too seriously. This means they may not be able to keep up their sense of humor in adversity. This means that gays are not really a strong group.
What’s your give?