Jesus said, " Those who are exalted shall be humble, those who are humble shall be exalted"
How did Joseph, a slave became the second highest authority to the pharoah?
How can a person who is humble today, be exalted?
Jesus said, " Those who are exalted shall be humble, those who are humble shall be exalted"
How did Joseph, a slave became the second highest authority to the pharoah?
How can a person who is humble today, be exalted?
There are many different ways. Joseph was exalted by proxy of his God given wisdom to discern the dreams of the Pharaoh. In this fashion because Paraoh offered up things to anyone who could answer the mystery of his dreams, Joseph received exaltation.
Exalted is just an old word for receiving praise or raise in status or promoted.
Best to not underestimate what God can or might do for you.
Let’s get some things straight here. Must we verbalise exaltation only in passive voice with reference to a divine agent ?. Does one get exalted by the immediate intervention of God ? Is Yahve the one who literally does the exaltation ?
Because if yes, then an underlying note could infer that God is biased towards certain people within their lifetime. This leaves an open door for God not only favorising some people, but also debasing others. This feeds the idea that God is maybe not so benevolent after all. And even without the arguable debasing thing, there is also the frustration coming from the expectancy that God presumably loves all poor sods equally - does that not imply equal treatment ?
I really do hate to burst your bubble but God is plenty Biased. This in no way degrades Gods benevolence. God does love all poor sods equally, but does not Offer equal treatment. God sees far more than we do and gives and takes according to His will. We unfortunately are not so quick or patient as God is and therefore will make mistakes, and misunderstand many things quite often… in fact more often than not too!
You want better treatment from God? Try following His will and having some faith. It just works extravagant wonders for me!
It would seem that you rather enjoy it.
I understand that God in his eternal wisdom and omniscience has a say in what concerns the social context in which we are born or aspects of our personality and gives us the strength and ability to mold our potential. I do not expect that everyone possess the same amount of anything as everyone - but I honor my chances in getting what I feel I am capable of getting.
How do you distinguish, among the other external factors in our rational conceptual world, what is of divine intervention and what just happens ? I think it is ridiculous to believe that “this is from Johnny, but this here I got from God”. Or “this happened because of Tom, but this occurred due to direct divine intervention.” Externally, we inhabit a world that appears to govern itself. The architectural edifice of our reason claims to understand the world and the rules that govern it, even if these may sometime be of a probabilistic nature.
If God is to intervene somewhere, then I see no other way for us to perceive that intervention other than in the inward movement of the self. God is to be discovered by inward contemplation and a dialectics of progressive advancement towards faith. In any respect, it is an act that comes from the interior and manifests in the exterior, and not the other way around.
If you really believe that then how can you think God is unfair. Just as you say, people are different. What you may be able to tolerate in life may be something another cannot. God may treat people differently but He is not unfair. The tests given to you by God are tailored to you specifically. Do not think all things are a test and do not trust in fate either. We have free will given by God. Some things have been written sure but these things must come to pass and are taken into account.
How do you distinguish, among the other external factors in our rational conceptual world, what is of divine intervention and what just happens ? I think it is ridiculous to believe that “this is from Johnny, but this here I got from God”. Or “this happened because of Tom, but this occurred due to direct divine intervention.” Externally, we inhabit a world that appears to govern itself. The architectural edifice of our reason claims to understand the world and the rules that govern it, even if these may sometime be of a probabilistic nature.
Those who truly know will never tell you! Things God has done for you are for you to keep. Some people like to use these experiences as a witness but it is best to Keep God to you and yourself. Should God ever wish you to speak of such things they will be by compulsion and most likely in private. Those who speak of these things in the world forum are the ones you need to watch out for. Embelishment usually follows and God does not like untruth.
This does not mean that you will alwasy know either. In most cases people will never know completely if God is the sole progenitor of a blessing bestowed up them. But you can look at it like this. God brought you here to enjoy these things so you can at least thank Him for that. Even if your next blessing may not be His own idea.
And as a final note… you are over analyzing the situation. We have free will, this goes hand in hand with God letting some things be as they may.
If God is to intervene somewhere, then I see no other way for us to perceive that intervention other than in the inward movement of the self. God is to be discovered by inward contemplation and a dialectics of progressive advancement towards faith. In any respect, it is an act that comes from the interior and manifests in the exterior, and not the other way around.
Not always true. Try not to set some wierd guideline that God and His will must follow. God can reveal Himself in many ways, He is not limited to interior or exterior events. God can manifest a power in you that will never go out and a power without that will never go in. God is very mysterious and we cannot fully comprehend His capacity. This sore limitation almost always is responsible in part for peoples issues with God. Missunderstanding.
My favor goes for Astral.
God rewards justly and punish those justly. Why would God give reward to both?
this is the contemplation that led me to this thread question.
Moses said, " Thus says the lord, If you heed my commandments, you will be a treasure of all people. And suffering and hardship is the cause when you sin against God, the commandments I gave thee"
If you really obey the commandments at least one, would it not naturally produce good results without God’s consent.
God does not need to hand you a reward, but it is automatic. Who here obeys the commandments and is not rewarded? For ex. If you do ont covet your neighbor’s wife and possessions, you and your friend will create this bond and greatfriend and no strife will be handed. Isn’t this is the reward.
I only have thus to say, How can there be no suffering and hardship if you do indeed obey and love the laws of God?