Has it? Are you a happier person than before?
sheesh! This topic shows up at least five times a year in every forum I ever posted on.
But, no. Philosophy has not made me more happy, or less happy. I never intended it to do either, anyways.
Learning philosophy properly can give you a great form of mental defense. Most any time someone has passed judment on me, it can come in really usefull.
For example, one time an administrator of an Honors program I was in accused me of haveing a responsibility issue. At the time, I was takeing a class about determinism, freewill, and responsibility- and I had previously taken courses in Ethics. I analyzed her words and discovered what she meant by irresponsible, was that I didn’t do what she wanted me too. I quit that program and have been better for it. It’s all about people stuffing their resumes, no one really wanted to learn.
So its usefull, it might not make you happy but it will probably keep you out of most life-destorying cults. Few if any of them make decent agrguments.
I went crazy then discovered all the dead people that went crazy before me. I’m glad im not the only one
I like what Woody Allan did in one of his movies. He’s up on stage before a bunch of critics as a famous film director and a one of them asks him what he studied in college. He says philosophy. “It was my best class” he went on to say. “The final exam was made up of ten questions. I couldn’t awnser any of them. I gave in a blank sheet of paper with my name on it and I got an A on the paper and a C in the course”.
philosophy has definitely made me a happier person… it helps me put anything and everything into perspective. it has given me an attitude about life that (i think) most people don’t ever get to experience, even with all of the “dr. phil” and the “chicken soup for the soul” garbage out there.
i wouldn’t be me if it weren’t for philosophy.
it has definitely improved my intellectual reasoning which is great because i’ve always had a logical mind, just maybe not the full methods of how to implicate and show this.
it’s the only class i’ve ever fully enjoyed (i’m a uni student) and it took me 13 years of crappy classes in my life to find it.
so yeah i’m pretty happy, i’d definitely say it’s matured my way of thinking which i think is a good thing for anyone to do.
I’d say no, philosophy hasn’t made me any happier. But at least I know that I’m not the only person with these types of questions, which is comforting.
Yes, studying philosophy has helped me mentally, although I’m not certain exactly how. Probably has something to do with broadening my horizons, helping me think - that sort of thing.
It’s not made me any happier, but I don’t think that’s the purpose of it, anyway. If anything, after I began studying it, I’ve become more convinced that happiness maybe isn’t so desirable so it might have made me more unhappy.