How human are you now ?!

If you had all of the neurons in your brain replaced with identiical silicon ones that exactly duplicated the function of the original neurons . Would you still be human after the neuron replacement surgery?

The problem here is the vagueness of the term human. In science speak, no you probably wouldn’t as your most essential organs would no longer be organic.

if my functions were to still recieve informations, interpret it, and spew it back out for others to do the same…yes, i would be human. the small pathetic, singing, dancing, and sexing microorganisms that we are.

this moment of negativity was brought to by a life of boredom. for gods sake tumoil would be better than this wasteland.

By God, the ideaology that brought on this war in Iraq. Times of leisure and inactivity are what peoples have fought for for millenia. History shows, including this time we live now, that when we get it, we get bored and either direct our pains outward toward other countries, thus “uniting” citizens towards a similiar goal, or we look inward towards problems that aren’t really problems but mere annoyances (Affirmative Action, Civil Unions) and corrupt the belly of the country.

Now, what again do we fight for? What again do we want leisure time for? Our brains will always wander and find things that could be better. Our nature is one of discontent. I think that’s a key to our superiority over other species and our dominance in the world …

Another instance of the things that made us great beckoning our downfall.

Hey there mr. grumpy guss what’s wrong? so now that you acknowledge that this boredom will be our downfall, why not ride the nuke yipping and hollaring as in dr. strangelove. it’s the end of America and perhaps humanity, and it’s a party!

I personally think it would be a wonderful thing if the humans around hereabouts were to cease to exist. If there is an afterlife and such thing as a soul then it would be better if that ceased to exist as well.