How the Democrats and Left were Brainwashed by Islamists

Here is a video on how Muslims [SOME] intended to Islamize USA as expressed way back in the early 90s. … 9272136704

this is the reason how the aggressive scheme has allowed Islamists to infiltrate the Obama’s administration, the Democrat Party and brainwashed the Regressive Left.

The point is Islam is an ideology that has a very aggressive ethos to dominate every one. Muslims has been brainwashed and duped to feel arrogant by Islam and Allah.

9:33. He [Allah] it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion [wadeeni] of Truth, that He may cause it [Islam] to prevail [ZHR: liyuẓ’hirahu] over all religion [alddeeni], however much the idolaters [infidels] may be averse [kariha].

3:110. Ye [Muslims] are the best community [nation, people, ummatin أُمَّةٍ ا م م ] that hath been raised up for mankind.

98:7. (And) lo! Those [proto-Muslims] who believe [AMN: amanu] and do good works [l-ṣāliḥāti] are the best [KhYR: khayru] of created beings. [BRA: l-bariyati].

98:6 They [infidels] are the worst [ShRR; sharru] of created beings. [BRA: l-bariyati].

The Muslims [significant SOME] has been planning and scheming to infiltrate into the American society to make it Islamic inch by inch and it appear they have make significant progress since the 1980s. Oil money is sprayed all over the Universities in the USA and the Deans and Lecturers are held by the balls.

The Left [regressive ones] and the Democrats must wake up before it is too late. The Muslims and their arrogant Islam [partly evil] must not be given any ‘inch’ or ‘millimeter’.

Yet another thread wondering, just how stupid am I?
If I post another brain dead thread accusing the left of
something terrible, you know something I saw on the internet…because
of course, you can believe everything you see on the internet…
Abraham Lincoln said that…

perhaps I can say that the left eat babies and hold satanic rites
with the blood of god fearing “true” Americans…

or perhaps the left is just jealous of all those perfect GOP types
who are the real creators of everything?

let us see what other stupid brain dead comments I can say,
that will indict the left of something because I hate the left because
they seem to know what they are actually talking about whereas
we on the right, we are just brain dead idiots who just make shit up

OH, the left believes in climate change… nobody believes in climate change
because that is what I heard on the internet, on Breitbart…
because the right news is clearly based on reason and logic…
because we all know that Bill Clinton had a baby with an space alien
because I saw that on Fox news and the left is clearly being brainwashed
by Islam and Soror and alien babies and the trilateral commission and of
course the Jews because hay the Jews are behind everything and I saw that
on Redstate…I am right because the internet told me I was right…

and the internet never lies…

so what other brain dead comments can I accuse the left of?


If that’s truly how you interpret reality, then I pity you. You are seriously confused and misguided.

Warnings issued to Peter and Mimisbrunnr. Keep it civil.

All PK can do is go full hyperbole and denial, he cannot address a single serious point, let alone refute it.

Btw, as in my OP I qualified this problem is restricted to those of the Regressive Left, i.e. not all on of the Left and all Democrats.
I prefer to be apolitical. Nevertheless, most of my beliefs are in alignment with the beliefs of the Left in general.

We do not blame the German people then for Nazism but rather we blamed Hitler the founder and his cronies.
As as with Nazism I don’t blame Muslims [none at all] primarily for the terrible Islamic-based evils and violence that are going on at present and in the past. The primary blame should rest squarely on the ideology of Islam and those who founded and started the religion. Since the founder[s] are all dead, the focus should then be on the ideology and its very volatile evil elements.

We cannot blame to Muslims primarily, i.e. unfortunate human beings who were born with an active evil tendency which they never asked for and then exposed to an evil ideology.
Those Muslims who are activated to commit violence should nevertheless be dealt with by the appropriate laws but the main focus should be on the ultimate root cause, i.e. the evil elements within Islam, i.e. in the Quran and other holy texts of Islam.

Some Democrats and those of the Regressive Left has been infected badly with the evil meme from the evil part of the ideology of Islam.