How to make Philosophy more popular...

I am thinking TOYS! Nothing quite grabs a child’s attention and indoctrinates them to a system of beliefs quite like Toys. (Well maybe cartoons, lets do both).
Plato Plush dolls. Every child can sleep safely snuggled tightly to Plato safe in the knowledge that ideals really do exist and they really are worth striving for. And that Sophists are all bad!

Aristotle Action Figures. Thrill to plastic combat as Aristotle schools Alexander the Geat in all things wise, while laying a beatdown on those dirty Atomists!

Socrates tea set. No, it isn’t really Hemlock, honest.

As for cartoons, I am thinking of a series featuring the English Empricists squaring off against the German Idealists. “Synthetic This,” a humble Hume screams at Kant before dropping an anvil on his head.

I am also thinking of some merchandise for adults.

For religous fundamentalists, you could sell authentic replicas of the oyster shells used to scrape the flesh from poor Hypatias bones. Inscribed on each one will be that mantra of old: “She is smart, she is beautiful, and she doesn’t think like we do… lets kill her!”

For that special brother-sister relationship there is, Nietzsche birthday cards.

A cookbook by Descartes… “I eat, therefore I am.”

Kant’s seminal work, “The Arrow of Time, as it applies to Euclidean Space”

Zeno and the Stoics release their greatest hits, including “Forty Seven Minutes of Calm Silence in the Face of Death”

Any more ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Has any band ever actually taken the name “Zeno and the Stoics”? that would be kinda amusing

but seriously though, why make philo popular when you can keep it to yourself and use your knowledge of it to justify your belief that you are, in fact, better than everyone else? i mean if everbody is thinking then it will be alot harder to convince people that you really are smarter than them

Would a world where “everyone was thinking” really be that much better of a world? Really, look at all the disgruntled people on here - do we want to spread this insanity?

But, alas, like any sport, I’d take pride in it becoming more popular, just as I am when, for no reason, I take pride in the Pistons destroying the Lakers. In all seriousness, some philosophy in the main-stream media, or anywhere on Television would be great. There’s a handful of channels dedicated to nature, animals, science, history, etc., but nothing on philosophy. Is the market just not there?

Well Public t.v does interviews with philosophy proffessors and the like all the time.

And how about mainstream movies like the Matrix. Plenty of philosophy in such films which can arouse interest in the subject. I saw it when I was 14 and thats what got me interested in philosophy. That and a lot of marijuana ;]

If Philosophers were popular, then Philosophers would make money.

If Philosophers made money, then people would study Philosophy for the money.

If people study Philosophy for the money, then wisdom (or truth) is no longer the only goal.

If wisdom (or truth) is not the only goal, then philosophy is destroyed.

There seems to be a natural glass ceiling for philosophy as long a captitialism prevails.

You cannot assume that all philosophers would study for the money and not the truth. And take notice that throughout all of history there have been very few philosophers to have made a significant impact. Let as many as you want study it for whatever reasons but there will still be those very few individuals who will continue to make an impact and be studying for truth.

Look at how much logical sense your argument makes:

If football players made money, then people would play football for money.

If people play football for money, then fun is no longer the only goal.

If fun is not the only goal then football is destroyed.

There will still be philosophers out after truth as there are still people out in parks playing football for fun.

I think that LostGuy is assuming that the search for wisdom is something inherent within philosophy, something that makes philosophy what it is. football can be what it is without fun though…just my take

Your right, there still would be philosophers. But there would be a lot more fakes.

And for the record I do think football has been perminately damaged by the popularity of and therefore money in the professional sport. But overall an activity such as football isn’t as sensitive. It’s very easy to miss philosophy and do sophistry. Just look at how easily I messed up a simple arguement. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because now, when I speak of determinism and say I’m not responsible of my actions, and I should thus be ashamed of nothing at all, people look at me, think “freak!”, and start running.

That argument, unlike football, has its root in the fact it can get biased. Football can’t be biased, unless through drugs. On the contrary, if philosophy was financed, people would lie, and think to meet the demands of the payers. The current scientifical situation (genetically modified organisms testing, for example), where someone with an interest pays for the researches (Monsanto in the former example) really show how the realms of knowledge can be corrupted with money.

The same goes with politics. When Jefferson wanted to make the USA independant, he was what should be called a true politician (unless I skipped too many lessons in my foreign country’s history). However, today’s politician are often much more motivated by greed.

Your just using philosophy the wrong way then. Its about big words and complicated topcis and confusion… Confuse them until they accept, and then slowly explain what it means. By the time you explain it fully (if that is a possibility) then they will have been accepting it so long that it will be a fact to them…

Determinism will show that you are your actions. Responsibility, then, is mute, as there can be little separation.

He still has a valid point. People shouldn’t be saying freak and running away. People should be saying freak and giveing him David Hume’s arguements-- in a perfect world.

There’s a show on tv called “No dogs or philosophers allowed” it’s the only show dedicated strictly to philosophy that I know of.

It’s on the “university house channel” I believe.

On my dishnetwork I believe it’s a channel in the 900’s. Look for it if you get the chance, it was rather fun to watch.