How'd The Jews End Up On Hitler's Radar?

Women didn’t/don’t get a lot of credit in science.

Lots of people were working on the same and similar problems in physics. There was sharing of information. Nobody was working in isolation. Maybe he got a disproportionate amount of credit.

At a certain point he became the “Face of Physics” and stopped doing important work. It’s the same with war heroes … battles are won by many soldiers but public adulation is often directed at specific individuals.

He had 4 children. One died young. Another developed schizophrenia as a young adult. Two were successful engineers.

He goes into the Mathletics.
How these ideas pre-existed his theory and he simply altered the title and claimed it as his own.
Sounds familiar.
This was attempted on ILP. Who knows, it may be attempted again, after I depart.

Repackage, rename, baptize, and resell - recycling - marketing. The art of the sale.
An Abrahamic hybrid.
Christianity 2.0.

Some use words to conceal, not to reveal. When too much prose and poetics and obscurantism and occultism is employed, this indicates a concealment.

I think I’m going to read Mein Kampf written by Hitler.

Read this one too. Excellent book. Lol @ at the deodorant sticker. We didn’t have tape in prison.

After you read them both, you must then listen to this song to fully appreciate the experience.

Lol!!! Clever comments too.