It seemed for such a time that I loved to argue. I thought that each philosophical conquest for dominance of truth was a righteous conquest that vindicated my being alive.
I don’t know any better now…but at least I don’t feel like arguing.
We are all here…and we are all feeling almost identical things. That’s just messed up.
except when we accept opinion as truth until a better one shows up and the truth gets upgraded…again. No wonder some of us yearn to live forever!
Every philosophy is ‘relative’ to the philosopher and that is without exception! Philosophy consists of nothing more than metaphors of perceived reality which are nothing more than personal presentations of conceptions which I regard as true. The same ‘landscape’ can be painted in a million different ways and truth belongs to him who can best instantiate the object!
universals exist in the realm of the absolute. Philosophy is the dialog of many world systems. Explain to me how philosophy can ever create a supposed universal or absolute which is not indigenous to the species by our own methods of ratiocination. Philosophy can only manifest itself in degrees of imperfection which doesn’t mean they aren’t interesting or valuable to us; it only means they are subject to change - the one thing most easily qualifed as a 'universal" being also the least philosophic.
There was a czechoslovakian president who said something like, “seek those who seek the truth and flee those who have found it.” Also lessing’s? comments on asking for The hand of God that contained the pursuit of truth and not truth itself are relevant. It seems like those who are most convinced of the truth of their arguments are the most stagnant and the least likely to continue searching, they eventually settle for a few old nuts that aren’t that hard to crack; easy work but not that filling. May my soul always be insatiable.
On humility itself it seems like one of those virtues that disappear as soon as it is named, kind of like modesty
I am a donkey. The truth is a carrot hung out in front of my face just far enough so that I can’t reach it. After all this running…I just wanna chase my carrot some more.