I am the only one the knowthyself forum kooks fear, DEBATE!!

it only lets me scroll for a second and then tells me to log in u do all that art?


prom says you can google elbdms
and all my instagram shit pops up
you can try that

See? Three more lines.

As for what it means, I’ll presume you have to be “one of them” to get it. Or at least to think you get it.

She is clearly a talented artist. But then every few squares she pops up. Just to remind “the guys” of how “young and beautiful” she is.

Unless of course I’m wrong. :sunglasses:

u know every city has boob surgeons, and one of those is the best in the city hands down in bham its this guy named schaeffer he is a legit artist. he makes boobs like the ones you draw. i mean im 41, and hard wired to be single and mingling and so over the years ive seen the full range of this kind of work and those ones u r drawing are top of the line. excellent work really.

hey polish iambig is just mad because hes stuck in this weird loop where he sees a philosophy problem even though there isnt one there and hes mad and bitter because everyone here has explained that to him 100 times and he doesnt want to think or grow and adapt his view he just wants to smugly be right and argue and insult people all the time its ok to ignore him

Prom, Satyr, Pedro…you’re up.

He yakked. :laughing:


i looked this up cuz a russian photographer i dig
borisov.dim on insta
shoots a lot od russian chicks that have the exact same shape of boob
but they look fairly natural
unless you’re seeing it on girl after girl after girl like on his feed
they’re called gummy bear implants or something

Ignore him. Though perhaps you mean more dorks than one.

You’re in love with a Latina app?

the gummy bear ones are the height of boob technology. under the muscle, not so big as to stretch out the natural boob too much. art. real boobs are like either a bag of water, or a bag of pudding. pudding boobs are better than water boobs. these are my own terms here lol but the gummy bear ones do the best job of replicating the density of a good healthy boob

He means this dork, pho. Moi. Though of course you knew that. :sunglasses:

Note to Karpel:

So, are you in the “hunt” now yourself? :laughing:

If you want this text illustrated start here: youtu.be/0lgo90ycmik

They are certainly among the most beautiful breasts in the world, if David Kepesh says so himself.

But then…

Thx for ur ig bae we will go on a a date sooner or later you know it!!!

penelope cruz will probably still be hot when shes 100 years old

gimme a shout bitch
i need the exposure
also arent you loaded?
buy some art

where is it for sale?

also im not loaded just a bit crafty so i get to be lazy and still have some things that i want and i dont have any kids or anything so i can be selfish which really helps to stretch the budget

Too right goddammit !!! Gonna fly over to florianopolis to scoop myself a wifey, brotha dem Amurican wemen can’t even cook for shit yipppppieee!!!

i know some american women who can cook