I 'ave a question!

why is it that when you figure out somthing horrible, and people want to know, so you tell them to get them to stop pestering you…but it only makes the person feel worse and all you wan’t to say is “told you so!” ? why is that!!!

i’m not sure, but i doubt it has much to do with philosophy.

This being the mundane babble board it doesn’t matter if it isn’t Philosophically related.

I’ve noticed that the human curiosity has to be one of the reasons we are above the monkeys right now. I experience the above situation in many different disguises consistently. I could be writing somethin in a book for hours and here comes some jerk asking me what I am writing. Then when I start telling them they become uninterested. Or if I’m working on the logistical plans for my next show and someone sees me working on it they want to know. Once I explain they really don’t give a good god damn! Or I might have a philosophy book and people want to know why I am reading it.

Same thing with magic. I never tell my good tricks. Because once you know that takes away the allure. Like a gorgeous woman you can’t sleep with.