far from philosophy - i know this - but i am trying to get out of a lease i have with 5 other girls. i want to know if my complaints are viable for ending the lease (the landlord has violated his terms by allowing a 7th girl to rent the storage closet of the house, and this is my safety concern). if there is a way to end the lease between he and i, can my roommates take me to court? how do i avoid this without involving the law? fyi: the room is not sublet-able b/c the room is not legally-sound (the windows do not open). maybe someone can give me advice. . .i’d appreciate it(:
sounds like you have a pretty good case. that is if the addition of the additional roommate is really a fire code violation or safety violation. which it probably is. if you are interested in non-legal action, you really only have one choice. you need to notify the landlord that they are in violation of the safety code and that if they are unwilling to resolve the matter immediately then you are breaking lease. upon notifying them, most landlords would be smart enough to either take action in removing the additional roommate or letting them replace you on the lease. otherwise, they know that they could not only face legal action from you but from law enforcement. if they don’t take action, you are left to first deal with local law enforcement and then if there is no resolution (which is a possibility knowing the atlanta police), you will need to speak to a lawyer.
so, the first step you need to take is to send notice to your landlord. hope that helps. i can only wonder how you ended up in a situation with 6 other roommates. i would go crazy with that many roommates.
it is driving me crazy.
thanks for the advice. i’ll let you know how it turns out, and if you and i were right.
I wish you well and I hope everything turns out for the best with your roommate situation. I’ll keep my fingers crossed (figuratively speaking)
thank y’all for wondering about my situation. all is resolved, and i am off the lease! it was a struggle for a few weeks and certainly had me worried, but alls well that ends well.