Dammit, I want it. I saw it on another forum and I don’t know about you, but this drives me crazy. Dan~ may even get hooked on spielling tings rite.
[size=75]He and I stay up all night long teasing each other, so I can say that.[/size]
Dammit, I want it. I saw it on another forum and I don’t know about you, but this drives me crazy. Dan~ may even get hooked on spielling tings rite.
[size=75]He and I stay up all night long teasing each other, so I can say that.[/size]
Really? Which forum? That’s not a bad idea… it sure would help alot of the typoists at ILP.
I can’t remember, but I know it is an upgrade you can get. I am kind of a perfectionist for a silly woman. Am I the only one here who likes to speele things cowekly?
Oh sure, take all the mystery out of it. What we really need is logic check. Speeling and gramer be damned.
check this, check that…
what we need is an edumacation cistem that werks
eliminate tenure for bad teachers