I will be leaving the forum for good after I post this.

Sorry I cannot participate in the discussion here any longer.

For the last year, all I get is the ‘preview page’ when I try to post. It sometime takes me many, many dozens of tries to get one post in. And at worst I have had tried to post this for the last 3 days with no success.

I will be leaving the forum for good after I post this. I can’t keep fooling around like this.

I would like to thank the members that participated with me in the various discussions.

And thanks to the forum’s owner for your service you provide to philosophers worldwide.

I wish you all the best of luck with your own search on the road to peace.

I wish to add this update to the thread on Global Warming, but can’t, so will try here.

Footnote #1:

Something to think about is coals dependence on crude. Our crude oil (41 years of reserves) will be depleted much sooner than our coal (155 years of reserves) This brings up certain problems of production and distribution. For instance, coal is delivered to power plants by rail. The trains are powered by diesel fuel, which is made from crude oil. Now, we may be able to resort back to old technology and start running coal fired steam locomotives to deliver the coal, but this will have a negative effect on the green house gas emissions. But even before the coal can be delivered it has to be mined and processed…and most of that mining is powered by crude as well.


Footnote #2

When we see such estimates of 41 years for our crude oil, there are many things to consider in such estimates. The first thing is estimates are notorious for not being accurate since it is a speculation of the unknown mixed with the relatively known. For instance, in the 1970,s they estimated crude supply to be gone in 20 years and that prediction was wrong.

The next thing is even if 41 years was accurate. It does not mean we can drive up to the pump to fill’er up the last day of the 41 year estimated life span of crude. Many of our foreign suppliers will have decided to keep their production for themselves as they need it at home. And far before we see the end of crude, the government would have confiscated most of the US crude supplies and refining capacity for national security and that is how it should be. We will be lucky to get a gallon or two of allotted gas for each of us now and again to fire up our Vespa’s or more likely 50cc Chinese clone.

Without energy our country is open for takeover … no jets…no tanks…no transport on the ground or in the air. Luckily we will still have nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers as long as the uranium holds out. But the jets on the flattop all use jet fuel. All the supplies for those subs and carriers petroleum dependent. So long before the crude dries up the government must ‘secure a supply’ of crude for it own needs.

Other countries such as Russia that have a good supply of crude may not be so kind to keep on selling it to us and we need a ‘local and continual’ source somewhat within our borders. You see, jet fuel as well as gasoline deteriorates and cannot be stored indefinitely. So we must always be producing some of it to replace the stale stuff to supply the military. But, that’s why we elect politicians to deal with these troubles


Who Killed the Electric Car?

It would be most worth while. The documentary not only discuses electric vehicle in depth, but cover hydrogen fuel cells, ethanol, methanol and biodiesel. A truly outstanding educational tool for anyone interested in this subject.

Just a few tidbits from the film…a hydrogen cell car cost upwards of one million dollars. Every gallon of gas we burn puts 19 pounds of Co2 in the atmosphere and producing hydrogen for the fuel cells as well as ethanol is, I am sorry to say…crude intensive!

Get it from your library today.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed … ric_Car%3F

Take care…and good-bye!

V (Male)

Agnostic Freethinker
Practical Philosopher

Hve you searched for a different link? sometimes links do not work right, you need to get a new one.

try this; http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/index.php

Its clean.

Are you called VFR because you ride a Honda VFR Interceptor? Those are really fun bikes.

I had the same problem at a similar website. Different backgrounds have that effect on different browsers and operating systems.

Try going to “profile” and changing the “board style” a few times. If it doesn’t immediately work, try another one. Eventually you’ll find one that works like a charm :wink:

For example, I am running Firefox on WinXP with the “subsilver” background and I’ve never had a problem.

Either clear private history, or if you don’t want to do that hit REFRESH after you’ve hit SUBMIT and the preview page comes up. It should give you some post data prompt nonsense after you hit REFRESH, but just hit OK, and your message should be posted.