iambiguous and Pedro I Rengel don't contend

Sounds like a legit dude.

one time we were at this bar and id driven him there so his keys were in my car and he decided to stay later and catch a ride home with someone so i took off then some dude started fucking with this old man who worked at the door and so my friend told him to fuck off so like the bar is right down from some projects where there is a shit load of violent crime and the dude after my friend told him to fuck off tried to stab him in the head and he had this shitty pocket knife from a gas station like a real weak knife and it broke but he stabbed my friend right in the middle of the forehead so there was blood everywhere and my friend kept fighting and the dude got freaked out all covered in blood and tried to run away and this mf chased him like 3 blocks an into a park and beat this dude with a fucking tree branch and then the dude finally scrambled up and got away this according to like 8 people who say it all go down so then the next day he calls me asking for his keys and i ride over not knowing any of this happened and i get to his house and his front window is smashed and his house has been robbed a lot so i was sketched out but then he comes walking out all covered up in dried blood like fucking everywhere all over him, still kinda drunk and hes like yo i had to smash my window out this guy stabbed me in the head like it wasnt shit so i gave him his keys then he pulls out the piece of the knife that broke off and it has that hole in it like where you open it with your thumb and he wore that shit on a necklace for a while after that im telling you this dude is one of a kind

That’s pretty cool.

Sure, and maybe Julian and Becky are still my cohorts “here and now” in spinning brand new Nicholas Urfes around and around and around.

Only those of his caliber [like phoneuria] would be worthy opponents. You are just someone here that I entertain myself with. The cat and the mouse, remember?

I figure I have nothing left to lose but to needle you out of here altogether. Only that will never work. Why? Because I think I have clearly established that you have no capacity for shame at all in dumping your drivel on us.

And, okay, fine, on the boards set up for yak, yak, yak social media drivel. Hell, I go there myself from time to time.

But you dump the same crap on us on the more serious boards as well. And all I can do is to make the most of it by way of entertaining myself at your expense.

It’s not something I am particularly proud of. But there it is.

No stones…

No mettle…

Note where I have ever claimed to be “a big bad philosopher”. Whatever that means.

On any number of occasions, I have noted my own subjective interest in philosophy.

It revolves generally around attempts to connect the dots existentially between “morality here and now and immortality there and then”.

As that relates to such “themes” as identity, value judgments and political economy.

As they play themselves out [again existentially] in regard to language and religion and determinism and the really big questions that go all the way back to an explanation for the existence of existence itself.

And, ironically enough, my main fascination is in exploring questions for which answers may well be but subjective assumptions rooted in dasein. The very limitations of philosophy [and its tools] itself.

So, what brings you here?

See, absolutely no shame!

The only question then is the extent to which he might actually come one day to recognize that perhaps he ought to be embarrassed and ashamed coming into a philosophy venue and dropping turds on us like this.

My guess: :laughing:

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but sub-par, mediocre philosophy can only make me laugh.

Unless, of course, he does have the stones…

The cojones.

You can almost hear him chortling to himself, “Checkmate!”

And actually believing it!! =D> #-o :laughing:


I will only tell myself “checkmate!” when you have taken your objectivist and political concepts down from the skyhooks, where we can discuss them.

I can’t force you to play.

I can only remind you that you are a pussy for not playing.

Now I know I am starting to get to him…to piss him off. Why? Because he starts in on bombarding us with these teeny tiny posts. He’ll heave something at me. But then a few seconds later his anger not abated, he’ll feel compelled to heave something else.

I’m thinking there has got to be a part of him that recognizes just how much he is being made a fool of here. But the bigger fool in him can’t concede.

And it is truly sad that this sort of thing has to unfold on the philosophy board. It’s the last thing I want in an exchange with him. But how many more opportunities can I give him to actually explore our respective philosophical takes on life?

He’ll post things like this…

…as though I have not addressed them time and again on this thread and on other threads.

Then cue this: “you dirty commie rat”.

The only other explanation is that he is just being ironic. And right from the start!

This is all merely a character he plays, peddling a shtick for whatever personal reasons.

You dirty commie rat.

No but seriously, I don’t know why you get so esoteric. Just address this and we can get started:

Again, I am not arguing that the overwhelming preponderance of your posts are drivel.

I am only noting that “here and now” given my own philosophical and political prejudices, “I” react to them as drivel.

After all, it’s not like I can take drivel out of my pocket and, like a rock, hold it in my hand, and say “look everybody, drivel!”

So, not to worry. Others are still able to form their own subjective assessments rooted in dasein and see your contributions here as, well, brilliant.

No way that I can demonstrate that they are wrong.


But: when I take this set of assumptions and apply them to the value judgments of objectivists, many become agitated.

If you get my drift. But you don’t.

Though, sure, someday, you might.

Then what?

I mean, aside from this:

:angry-screaming: :angry-steamingears: :scared-shocked: