I bring up this topic because I’d like to know how people would interpret Jefferson’s attitudes if they were directed at our modern-day America, which, sadly to say, is but a fraction of what it was in 1776.
Me personally, I think our leading Founding Father would feel he had failed in writing the Constitution of the United States after finding out how much it has been manipulated. He would probably say this country is no better than the England which he freed the colonies from.
Jefferson was all for civil liberties extended as far as possible, and to see technology that allows people to say anything they want to anyone they want regulated into dilution, he’d be disgusted.
Witty is an understatement, I could not stop laughing my ass off while reading that whole interview with the Founding Fathers. That has to be one of the greatest Bush-bashes I’ve ever read.
Jefferson was one of the primary authors of the Declaration of Independence. Based upon the same natural rights theory contained in A Summary View, to which it bears a strong resemblance, the Declaration of Independence made Jefferson internationally famous. He certainly set a precedent for the Bill of Rights…
It’s not even that, it’s the simple fact that he was one of the most vocal demanders of a Bill of Rights in the US Constitiution. Without him, we would most likely not have one.
“I hope, therefore, a bill of rights will be formed to guard the people against the federal government as they are already guarded against their State governments, in most instances.” --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
Well I agree, that is only if you mean intrusive and socialist government. If you only meant them as one term then you have no idea what you are talking about. Intrusive government does not need to be only socialist or “left wing”.
The current Administration’s policies are HIGHLY intrusive and I doubt anyone would call them socialist.
I think Jefferson, like many other founding fathers, would be appalled at the size of our military and the ridiculous amount of tax dollars that are spent in the name of “defense”. That alone would be enough to revolt.