From Lewis Sperry Chafer’s “Major Bible Themes” (revised by John F. Walvoord) (Zondervan, 1974):
Zondervan NASB Study Bible note on 1 Cor 2:14 natural man. Described in Jude 19 as one who is “worldly-minded” (cf Rom 8:9). The non-Christian is basically dominated by the merely physical, worldly or natural life. Because he does not possess the Holy Spirit, he is not equipped to receive appreciatively truth that comes from the Spirit. Such a person needs the new birth (John 3:1-8; Titus 3:5-6).
From “Breaking the Da Vinci Code” by Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D. (Thomas Nelson, 2004), pp 161-162:
ibid pp. 67-68:
ibid pp 81-12:
ibid pp. 71-72:
From “What Heresy?” published in Books and Culture (Nov-Dec 2003)… Frederica Matthewes-Green:
More from Chafer/Walvoord’s Major Bible Themes (Zondervan, 1974): from pp. 122-123: “C. The Results of the Filling of the Spirit / 2. One of the important ministries of the Spirit is that of teaching the believer spiritual truth. Only by the guidance and illumination of the Spirit can a believer understand the infinite truth of the Word of God. As the Spirit of God is necessary in revealing the truth concerning salvation (John 16:7-11) before a person can be saved, so the Spirit of God also guides the Christian into all truth (John 16:12-14). The deep things of God, truth that can be understood only by a Spirit-taught man, are revealed to one who is walking by the Spirit (1 Cor 2:9-3:2).”
For all interested in doing a Bible study on this topic:
“Inspiration of the Scriptures” p 103-104 USGB
A. Expressed by: “Thus saith the Lord” (Jer 13:1); “The word of the Lord came” (1 Kin 16:1); “It is written” (Rom 10:15); “As the Holy Spirit saith” (Heb 3:7); “According to the Scripture” (James 2:8); “My words in thy mouth” (Jer 1:9).
B. Described as: Inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16); Moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet 1:21); Christ-centered (Luke 24:27; 2 Cor 13:3).
C. Modes of: Various (Heb 1:1); Inner impulse (Judg 13:25; Jer 20:9); A voice (Rev 1:10); Dreams (Dan 7:1); Visions (Ezek 11:24,25).
D. Proofs of: Fulfilled prophecy (Jer 28:15-17; Luke 24:27-45); Miracles attesting (Ex 4:1-9; 2 Kin 1:10-14); Teachings supporting (Deut 4:8; Ps 19:7-11).
E. Design of: Reveal God’s mysteries (Amos 3:7; 1 Cor 2:10); Reveal the future (Acts 1:16; 1 Peter 1:10-12); Instruct and edify (Mic 3:8; Acts 1:8); Counteract distortion (2 Cor 13:1-3; Gal 1:6-11.
F. Results of Scripture: Unbreakable (John 10:34-36); Eternal (Matt 24:35); Authoritative (Matt 4:4,7,10); Trustworthy (Ps 119:160); Verbally accurate (Matt 22:32, 43-46; Gal 3:16); Sanctifying (2 Tim 3:16,17); Effective (Jer 23:29; 2 Tim 2:15).
“Word” / E: Agency of, to: / Illuminate p. 215 USGB: Psalm 119:120
1 John 2:27 Zondervan NASB Study Bible note: have no need for anyone to teach you. Since the Bible constantly advocates teaching (Matt 28:10; 1 Cor 12:28; Eph 4:11; Col 3:16; 1 Tim 4:11; 2 Tim 2:2,24), John is not ruling out human teachers. At the time when he wrote, however, Gnostic teachers were insisting that the teaching of the apostles was to be supplemented with the “higher knowledge” that they (the Gnostics) claimed to possess. John’s response was that what the readers were taught under the Spirit’s ministry through the apostles not only was adequate but was the only reliable truth. teaches you. The teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit (what is commonly called illumination) does not involve revelation of new truth or the explanation of all difficult passages of Scripture to our satisfaction. Rather, it is the development of the capacity to appreciate and appropriate God’s truth already revealed—making the Bible meaningful in thought and daily living. all things. All things necessary to know for salvation and Christian living.
Deut 29:29 (“secret things” meaning the future and all that is beyond the grasp of human understanding); 30:11-13 (God’s revelation – in this case, the covenant – is not beyond human understanding, unlike what certain Gnostics would say about gnosis… see Rom 10:6-10).
enlightenedHeb 10:26-32
Enlightened (with life) 1 Sa 14:27,29
Enlightened (with true “knowledge” of the true God) Job 33:30; Is 53:11
Enlightened (lightning) Ps 97:4
Eph 1:8; Heb 6:4
Insight: Dan 5:11,14 (enlightenment, understanding); 9:22; 12:10; 1 Chr 26:14; Prov 12:8; Mark 6:52; Eph 1:8
Light: John 12:35-50; 1 John 1:5-10
Illumination, spiritual (p. 99, USGB)
The Gospel enlightens…John 1:9
Enlightened at conversion…Heb 6:4
Enlightenment in Christian truth…Eph 1:18
Enlightened (have truth disclosed to oneself) by Holy Spirit…John 16:13-16
Enlightened by God…1 Cor 4:5; John 14:26; 14:16-31
Searches thoughts: Ps 19:12; 139:23-24; Heb 4:12-13
Enlightenment, spiritual (USGB)
Source of: From God (Ps 18:28: “illumines” – see Ps 27:1; KJV says “enlighten”); Through God’s Word (Ps 19:8); By prayer (Eph 1:18); by God’s ministers (Acts 26:18, see NASB note).
Degrees of: Partial now (1 Cor 13:9-12); Hindered by sin (1 Cor 2:14 and all of chapter 2); Complete in heaven (Is 60:19).
Knowledge without Love (grace):
Darkness is ignorance (Heb 6:4) and death (1 Cor 13:12-13).
A quote from p. 82 of “Breaking the Da Vinci Code” (Nelson Books, 2004) by Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D. –
– Frederica Matthewes-Green in “What Heresy?” (Books and Culture, Nov-Dec 2003).
I’m putting this in quotes because it is important and takes the conversation in a different direction –
Three strikes – gnosis is out.
For further study into the spiritual gifts, ministries, effects and manifestations of the Holy Spirit, see: Acts; Rom 12:3-8; 1 Cor 1:7; 12-14; 2 Cor 12:12; Eph 3:7-8; 4:7-16; Heb 2:4; 1 Pet 4:10-11. Unlike gnosis (which is false and not from God), spiritual gifts are free gifts of grace, not earned, and not ways of earning God’s unearnable favor (grace) (as demonstrated in His substitutionary death and resurrection).
There are also ‘fruits of the Spirit’ – of which love is one (1 Cor 12:31; Gal 5:22). Spiritual gifts are given to individuals to serve the common good of the body (church). Fruits of the Spirit are the effect the spirit has on the character of the individual. Gnosis is neither a spiritual gift, nor a fruit of the spirit… it is from man, not God. According to Christian Gnostics, you must be initiated into secret gnosis, and if you are not intellectually capable of such initiation, you are hopeless. This is not in line with God’s freely-given, unearnable love (grace) – and Jesus’ words which speak against keeping His light under a basket, and for shining before all humanity (Matt 5:14-16; 10:26-27; 28:19; Luke 8:16; 11:33; John 18:20; Acts 1:8). See the “Against Gnosticism” thread and the original post of this one.
Hidden truths (see my Mystery thread) are not bad if they point to something good and are available for the inspection of everyone. Of course, as regards the moments we no longer have access to, or do not yet have access to (we only have access to the present moment) – those are like gift-wrapped presents. Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. But if one of us gets to see it – we all get to see it, or at least hear about it (in the case of a prophet who has received the future). Some things we just do not have the mental capacity to understand (at least not yet) – but if someone tells you to believe something that contradicts what God has already revealed (and tells you to keep it “hush hush”) – if you walk into that trap, you’re signing your own spiritual death warrant.