We are (for the most part) smart people here; however, I have noticed that there is a dissonance in language used and a certain amount of dogmaticism amongst posters (I’m certainly guilty of this).
So, to broaden our respective perspectives, I would like to propose an ILP book/essay club. In this club a member would select a readily available book/essay and post a link (for now let’s keep it free and internet-available. As it evolves we can get more in depth). Members of the club have a week (or more if it is a lengthy book/essay. We can let the poster suggest an appropriate length) to read the material, and then we can discuss it.
I think such a system would provide a wonderful exposure for many of us to other systems of thought as well as giving us a focused topic to talk about.
Would anyone be interested in such a system? While I know I would be inadequate for the task, I would be more than willing to moderate for the initial phase until a more worthy group of people could be decided.
Think about it – instead of breaking into various groups we can start to get a Daoist perspective on ‘We’, a Christian view on Zhuangzi’s view of Heaven, a libretarian’s pespective on passages from Corthinithan’s.
I think such a club would both fascilitate understanding as well as lead to really worthwhile discussion.
Anyone else think this is a good idea?
Would anyone else be up for it?
If so, sign up here and suggest a text. Try to keep it of reasonable length and try to keep it available on the internet. I’ll choose the first one, and the person whose topic I choose can finger the next one. As a disclaimer, I promise not to select a topic that I have previously read.
As long as we keep open minds about this, I think this could be a really good thing.
P.S. Try not to make the topics totally obscure/requiring a HUGE background in the field. As much as I want to discuss the Horak debate from Yi Yulgok’s perspective, I’m not so sure than anybody else is. Given that, let’s keep it group friendly for starters.