I won’t do it unless I get Dunamis, because I’m a big game hunter.
“Throw back the little ones and pan fry the big ones. Use tact, poise and reason, and gently squeeze them.”- Donald Fagen
But here’s the thing. I’d need a representative who would deliver my arguments to Dunamis for me, without my presence in the thread. For I have sworn a vow never to enter into a philosophical discourse with said person, ever again. Only where insults are necessary will I confront said person personally without my representative. I know, its alot to ask, but if you wanna see a good fight, you gotta give me something better than Gamer. (no offense Gamer, I’m only doing this for promotional reasons. You understand.)
And I’ll need a lawyer because I have a few entry terms that need to be understood. Dunamis will not be allowed to mention or quote more than two thinkers per subject matter. Nor will he be allowed to speek Latin because I’m a 'Merican. (I actually do, or I used to do, a pretty good impersonation of George W, now that I mention it)
And another thing. I’m trying to cut my internet philosophy forum time in half, so I can do that other thing…you know, “life.” So it would cost Ben to host this event. I’d require a small fee for my efforts to debunk the Dunamis. Hey, don’t hate da player. Hate da game.
I don’t know about that either. Let’s say that Religion and Spiritualism, and mysticism, and the like, hasn’t yet presented any reasonable theory to become too interested in. This is only to say that so far I haven’t yet found any interest. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have any ideas myself, of such nature. Of course I have a contingency plan, Thirst. Indeed, I have my ideas about what this “God” concept might involve- a “If God Existed…This Would Be It” kinda deal. Not saying it IS, but that if it was, this is how it would be.
So the fact that I express myself in an atheistic manner is not some declaration that I am certain that a God doesn’t exist. It is a “basic camp” credential to get in a line of thought and work from there. Also, it is necessary today in the face of all current popular religious thought- most of it is pseudo-theology, not quite worthy of a philosophical platform. I believe that “God” would have an investment in Logic, and any path to “God” would involve a large degree of it. Most religions barely get past the basic fallacies- and I’m not one to think that God would purposely ruin himself by creating Logic. Perhaps more is needed to be known about the physics of the universe to understand how a “God” could fit in such a model. It is the moral reconciliations that will be critical in finding “God” after the physics are entirely understood, assuming they could be. Knowing how the universe works doesn’t inform us of what to do. Ain’t dat a bitch?
This subject will eventually be dictated by science, I imagine, in a technological future of AI, robotics and totalitarianism. Religion, in its traditional sense, will dissovle in the future, as will cultures, nations, and entire races.