Once I used to play tetris so much i’d have tetris dreams. sometimes i ski all day and i have skiing dreams. ever have ilp dreams?

I had a dream that I met some people in ahouse, i can’t say they were people, it’s a little fuzzy. it was sort of like a frat house for misfits…

monooq was there…

he was petulant and intimidating. but charismatic in a nothing to lose sort of way that threatened me. i was a little afraid of him.

ever have any ilp dreams? if not, maybe try to tonight and then write about it tomorrow. all you have to do is repeat it eighty times in bed and meditate on the members and make up scenarios of seeing them. then say “i’ll have an ilp dream” like eighty times. good luck.

Yea. . . imp invaded one of my dreams. He called me a rationalist. Which really pissed me off. That was mean imp . . . (stay out).

i’m highly educated. you can’t tell by my business here, which is terse and cursory and thin and superficial… but i reckon the wheel actually spins behind my eyes. but who could know for sure.

anyways, give me a job. after all, i’m highly educated.

I was on a beach with sand in both directions as far as I could see, which was not a great distance, but within that distance I noticed a house at the end of a path of sand about 15 ft wide jutting into the ocean, and the sand path was about 100 yards long or so. I remember it was storming; sky dark and ominous, roiling waves, that type of thing, and I believe the house was an odd color like yellow. I walked down the path to the house, which was boxy and two storied, maybe something like the houses in northern New England, Maine or New Brunswick in Canada. I entered, and there were 3 people goofing around saying witty things to each other, and laughing, being really silly. It was very dark in this house. The lighting was very much like a room only illuminated by a tv or computer screen (don’t start dream analyzing this yet). I must have watched them for a little while without interacting, and then I turned toward an open doorway, without a door which seemed to lead into the kitchen, and I discovered light coming through. I believe I then walked in there, or, if I didn’t, I could see what I am about to describe from the vantage point I was in already. There was a Muslim family sitting there dressed in traditional garb. The man wore what looked like heavy baggy clothing, colored with a mix of black and yellow, and his face was covered by a thick black or gray beard. There were two women, one standing behind him, face fully covered wearing clothes similarly colored and the other woman was at the mans feet hugging his leg tightly, but the strange part about it was that both the women had the statures of children, as if they had dwarfism or something. It was quite disconcerting.

I remember looking at the scene for a couple of seconds, and then making eye contact with the man who glared at me, in not an unfriendly way, but with a hard discipline. A certain type of strength of honor. I nodded to him, and he to me, and then I turned away, although my desire was to aproach and converse. I stayed watching the 3 in the front room a little while longer and then decided their fooling wasn’t for me and left wandering the shore until I awoke.

Oh my god! Yes. Twice.

I’ve had two ILP dreams, but I dream a lot, so two is not really a lot.


First dream was with—MONOOQ!! I followed him to this apartment (very close to a park)…I won’t go into details.

Second dream was with----IMP! I entered this house and saw a guy behind a computer monitor. I said hello, he stood up and introduced himself as—IMP. Wha?? Imp, I said, oh my god, you, you’re Imp. Then I thought, why is he still named Imp since that’s only his username. So, I said my name is Arendt. haha.

I kid you not. Twice.

Monooq, are you talking to me about a job? I don’t have a job for you. Just because you’re highly educated or even a refreshingly blunt voice doesn’t mean you could write copy. Anyway, now I’ll have a dream about you demanding a job. I hope tonight I have adream with many of you and we have some adventure in the desert. It will be a mystery that morphs into a spaghetti western. Maybe it will be entitled The Key To Dunamis’ Treasure.

I once had a musing…not a dream, but…

I wake up. It’s quiet. I look outside the streets are empty. Everyone is gone. Everyone. Like in that movie Night of the Comet. In shock I run to my computer to see if there’s some news about the end of the world on Drudge. By accident I hit the PHILO link on my favorites bar and see the post list. “Holy Shit Where Is Everyone?” is the title of the post. I see more like it and read things like “Really! Me too! Everyone’s gone. Are we the only ones left?” “That’s the height of arrogance” someone writes. But it grows more convincing. A mysterious poster tells us he is from another planet and erased everyone on earth except for ILP posters with over 200 posts. We are to take over the world and devise a perfect society. Someone takes charge…me, perhaps, and calls for a meeting place somewhere on Earth. There’s a big debate on the midpoint, where we should meet and so forth, it gets pretty technical. But we do meet. High adventure. Sex, intrigue, intergalactic mayhem, revelatory rites of passage. Isn’t that sort of pathetic?

Isn’t that pretty much how it is around here Gamer?

I’ve had two dreams about two separate poster’s.

The first one was obscure, a glimpse and at first I didnt’ understand it at all prone as I am to interpret some of my dreams, but as time went on I began to understand it in depth, every detail of that dream was somehow revealing something a) about myself and b) about ILP and of course c) about that poster. Now I’m at peace with it. It was a good dream even though in the beginning I didn’t ‘get’ it.

The last dream was about a poster’s actual life, I felt a little off centre by it as it wasn’t anyone that I engage with on a regular basis, the more I thought about it the more disturbed by it I became, so I detailed the dream in a PM and the poster verified certain facts. It bothers me that I can be so psychically connected to strangers.

I don’t want those sort of dreams, they invade my dreamtime and my awake time thinking about them.


I’ve never dreamt about Imp, or any other ILP member for that matter, but I frequently dream about conversations online. Highly confusing, because in my dreams I can hear the words as well as see them.

I had an ILP dream once. Won’t go into details but it was about a specific member. I think these kinds of dreams are “compensatory” dreams. We’re all curious about what certain people must be like in the real world and since we can’t know, we dream about it.

well i think this is funny. to be honest, i’ve never had a dream about any of you weirdos, except one. so keep dreaming, you’re all except one a bunch of disgraces in my book, and i AM writing a book.

ps: writing copy is a fucking disgrace.

thats why you’re good monooq. cause you use words like disgrace. you didn’t say pathetic, sad, losers, stupidm you said disgrace, which sounds like a coach chastising a bunch of players in some 70s sitcom. I love it. It’s funny. And an element of harmless truth.

Hello F(r)iends,

I daydream a lot… The following is an example of a recent daydream on a particularly relaxing Saturday. It is all based on the daydream of an ILP Debate.

I daydream that all 200+ ILP members with at least 100 posts that joined ILP before today (09/24/2005) would attend a weekend of debates and other ILP activities.

I daydream of hosting this ILP festival. I daydream of choosing individuals to debate in front of all the members; for example debates between Dunamis and Polemarchus; between Psyque and Thirst; between Gamer and Detrop; between Tabula Rasa and Satyr; between Jerry and Delboy; between Aspacia and Noetician; between Uccisore and Bob; between TheAdlerian and Avicenna; between FtheNaysayers and Crooked Mouth

I daydream about team debates: The Disbelievers (Thirst, Tabula Rasa, Detrop, and Pax Vitae, etc) pitted against The Believers (Uccisore, Bob, MyRealName, Nick_A).

I daydream about the topics to be discussed: free will vs. determinism, conservative christianity vs. liberal christianity, capitalism vs. communism, Ginger vs. Mary Ann, God vs. Darwin, World Peace vs. Anarchy, Americans vs. Europeans; animal rights vs. delicious steaks, embracetrees vs. embracethis!.

I daydream we answer age old questions like: Why can’t Asians drive? Why do black people love welfare? Why are Mexicans dirty? Why are the French faggots? Why are the Europeans so smug? Why are white people so paranoid? Why are Americans so ugly? Why are rednecks not subject to survival of the smartest? Why did the chicken cross the road? Why is it a penny for your thoughts and people give their two cents? And many more…

I daydream of voting on stupid things like: most likely to go home and commit suicide, most likely to be gay; most likely to go straight; most likely to get run over; most likely to break his iPod that he just bought forcing everyone to donate again; most likely to never get a clue (TheAdlerian, Aspacia, or Thirst?); most likely to get arrested on the plane ride home for sneaking marijuana back to his/her country; most likely to quit ILP; most likely celebrity breakup; most likely to “hook-up”; most likely to be unfaithful to spouse or loved one; most likely to be caught; most likely to pay for a partner; most likely to drink themselves to death; most likely to be a NARC; most likely to have dhiarrea…

I daydream that I have the money to pay for a weekend trip for all 200+ ILP members that qualify for the trip… I daydream of the biblical amounts of booze that will rain down upon the ILP members… I daydream of sex orgies for the immoral members of ILP (can I have an orgy all by myself?).

Perhaps the biggest daydream that all ILP members learn something of value and apply it to their lives…

I have a dream, a dream I will make a reality when I can afford a few million in air fare and hotel fees.


I won’t do it unless I get Dunamis, because I’m a big game hunter.

“Throw back the little ones and pan fry the big ones. Use tact, poise and reason, and gently squeeze them.”- Donald Fagen

But here’s the thing. I’d need a representative who would deliver my arguments to Dunamis for me, without my presence in the thread. For I have sworn a vow never to enter into a philosophical discourse with said person, ever again. Only where insults are necessary will I confront said person personally without my representative. I know, its alot to ask, but if you wanna see a good fight, you gotta give me something better than Gamer. (no offense Gamer, I’m only doing this for promotional reasons. You understand.)

And I’ll need a lawyer because I have a few entry terms that need to be understood. Dunamis will not be allowed to mention or quote more than two thinkers per subject matter. Nor will he be allowed to speek Latin because I’m a 'Merican. (I actually do, or I used to do, a pretty good impersonation of George W, now that I mention it)

And another thing. I’m trying to cut my internet philosophy forum time in half, so I can do that other thing…you know, “life.” So it would cost Ben to host this event. I’d require a small fee for my efforts to debunk the Dunamis. Hey, don’t hate da player. Hate da game.

I don’t know about that either. Let’s say that Religion and Spiritualism, and mysticism, and the like, hasn’t yet presented any reasonable theory to become too interested in. This is only to say that so far I haven’t yet found any interest. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have any ideas myself, of such nature. Of course I have a contingency plan, Thirst. Indeed, I have my ideas about what this “God” concept might involve- a “If God Existed…This Would Be It” kinda deal. Not saying it IS, but that if it was, this is how it would be.

So the fact that I express myself in an atheistic manner is not some declaration that I am certain that a God doesn’t exist. It is a “basic camp” credential to get in a line of thought and work from there. Also, it is necessary today in the face of all current popular religious thought- most of it is pseudo-theology, not quite worthy of a philosophical platform. I believe that “God” would have an investment in Logic, and any path to “God” would involve a large degree of it. Most religions barely get past the basic fallacies- and I’m not one to think that God would purposely ruin himself by creating Logic. Perhaps more is needed to be known about the physics of the universe to understand how a “God” could fit in such a model. It is the moral reconciliations that will be critical in finding “God” after the physics are entirely understood, assuming they could be. Knowing how the universe works doesn’t inform us of what to do. Ain’t dat a bitch?

This subject will eventually be dictated by science, I imagine, in a technological future of AI, robotics and totalitarianism. Religion, in its traditional sense, will dissovle in the future, as will cultures, nations, and entire races.

Philosophically you’ve read more and you care more, the second part being KEY. In terms of your attempts at humor or your quirkiness, it’d be so painfully humiliating to even begin sparring with you in that realm that I’d pretend to lose to help you save face. It’s happened a few times here already. And it’s quite possible that if we found an even playing field philosophically, a topic neither of us have researched, I’d destroy you because my brain is like my penis and my biceps. Big and riddled with arteries. Nothing personal, this is merely PR.

I dreamt of IronDog :astonished:

Gamer and détrop,

Don’t you guys see how alike you are?

I see how one might think that Jerry, and be wrong.

Hello F(r)iends,

Détrop, I only posted an example of one of the many debates I have envisioned. You would, of course, get to choose a list of ten names you would prefer but in the end it’s my daydream and I decide–especially since I’m paying.

By the by, I envision your entrance much like that of Hannibal Lecter: in chains, protective face mask, strapped to a dolly, with security officers surrounding the area as they wheel you into your glass prison. So, you won’t need your lawyer… and of course I would give you a nice fee for your presence: all the beer/alcohol you can carry/drink.

I find you and Gamer very interesting people. I actually envisioned a “debate” where you would do simple discourses on mundane and utterly pointless shit. In the end, we would vote to see who was most amusing. I have my money on Gamer, but at times you are inspired (especially with an actual challenge). Finally, I agree with Jerry that Gamer and you are very much alike… however, you are also very different. In fact, I look at you as a combination of my madness, Gamer’s humor, and James No. 2’s intelligence, thrown in with a little of Monooq’s sarcasm and bitterness…

I would also like to have drinking contests, pissing contests, fart contests… I would like to play Old Gobbo on a one-on-one game (my money is on me). Also, wouldn’t it be great to have a Moderator’s debate: Xanderman vs. Impenitent, Ben vs. LiquidAngel, Bob vs. Pax, Tentative vs. Alexistentialism… and so on.


Thirst I’m starting to like you. Who would win, a shark or a grizzly? Who could win in a fight in real life, Bruce Willis or Johnny Depp? I think about this shit constantly. Who’d win at Space Invaders? Einstein or Bohr. My money is on Bohr. Bohr had more balls than Albert and he always will, even in death. Even in hypothetical Space Invader games. About two months ago I felt diminishing pleasure in displaying wit and irony here. I felt it was like shooting fish in a barrell. So I just blob along now on autopilot blending in with the mortals, using clichés like fish in a barrell, and misspelling barrell. Your description of Detrop is excellent. I see his humor as syrup slow and transparent, but I can see how one of normal mind would see it as a whimsical blur. This is exactly how Michael Jordan could see the flaws in the Clive Drexler maneuvers, even though he looked like lightning to the rest of us.

Okay I lied. I haven’t read ten to twenty philosophy books. But I’ve looked through ten to twenty-five, though. I can’t ever finish a book. I get bored. They don’t move fast enough. I would need like a philosophy movie to want to see the whole thing.

Oh come on. I’ve got a thesaurus too, and twenty minutes at a time between sandwiches. Your problem, Gamer, if I may say, is that you don’t conduct philosophy like there is a goal in mind. I don’t see you build ideas, that, for example, I could see later applied or used to incorporate new ideas. You are always single layered, except of course for your comedy, and you don’t ever really seem to be saying one thing or the other. Its never a well crafted or anatomical body of propositions…it doesn’t stack to any height…one thing wouldn’t make or break anything else you’ve said- but then again- you haven’t really said anything, and that is the point, I guess?

At least be known for a few trademark methods, other than the witty cynic who is here to chat about whatever, whenever. I wanna be able to say “yep, that’s that patented Ultra-Gamer Logic. It works everytime.” Instead, I’m always saying "yep, there goes Gamer again, he had a good axiom ot two when he started but in three posts he’s drawing parallels between country-western actors and singularities again.

And you don’t stop doing philosophy because you have chosen to, you stop because you lose momentum and the hamster quits running. The posts then fall into sarcasm and satire again, and you play off it like you meant to do it. No sir, you’d like to keep philosophizing in an erudite manner with the other cogs, but “you know who” comes along and says some ambiguous shit and you collapse to your knees.

Look, I’ll give you five dollars if you write an essay. It doesn’t have to be long, man. And I promise I won’t touch it. Its gonna come down to that, man. Eventually you will look back at all this time and curse yourslelf for not compiling your efforts to write a large body of philosophical work.

In the least, collaborate all your posts and put them into a comic-book or something.

And to top it all off, you are rude enough to let me think I’ve won when I have not? Pity is bad stuff, G. If you would like me to concede defeat, let me know and I’ll fit it into my schedual. But don’t come back five months later and say “oh yeah!?, well you were wrong back in 89 and I just didn’t tell you about it. So there.”

But your genitalia and pectoral muscles aren’t quite what you would like them to be, so I believe the same about your brain…