ILP Legends

I got some thoughts I’ll post on this later.

In the meantime, what are the stories, who were the people, will 3G be great?

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Who will tell us of the great Ben.

Pray there is an ILPphile to relate our history to us, or we are surely lost to the future!

O yay, our story, our greatness, our lessons, must be preserved from the cellar of the server’s eternal reserve!!

Verily, soon I will tell of the mighty Ichthus, who personallysaved me from abandoning ILP.

I would hope that such as the great 3G chance upon this and continue in their wondrous glory (soon as their well deserved break concludes…)…


He could surely tell em!


Yes, I just missed the finely fangled fork tongue of Saytr’s time here, though I’ve seen him on another philosophy forum along with his first mate, Unreasonable/Realunoriginal. In the Petri dish of ILP, how would you describe Saytr: an eboli, a penicillin, …

[I continue to collect my thoughts about explicating the theme of this thread, though it means to be an ongoing remembrance of those who have come and gone (and may come again?) in our little lives here… maudlin and shmaltzy for sure, but hey, that’s one of my main schtiks!]

White Lotus was the original rabblerouser, the rest are poor imitations. Compared to him, Satyr was a cute little eboli - a plaything - WL was the plague. He maintained his wit and pinpoint criticisms throughout his tenure, it never turned into a show as it does for most, it was always him being more clever and witty than the rest. When he told you that you are a fucking idiot, it always meant something, no matter how many times he said it.

Don’t forget Joker. Then there’s a couple other less prolific one’s who added a lot of flavor: koifer, Tortoise (aka Churro the Viscous), Wonderer, gaiaguerrilla, stoned_kazak, Mastriani, Rhinoboy, Ierrellus, Mad Man P, Smears, etc… could be some of these people are still active with another profile or still lurking but I kind of started liking the people behind the nicks in some weird way. Every day I would learn something new about the way they thought. They were like some characters in a book - you care about them though they’re not attached to you.

And now I realize many of the people who made me keep coming back are gone, and it feels like something’s missing. :cry:

White Lotus - sounds like top-cut heroin. Ya there’s a place for those who know how to test metal. Is there a link you could give to a typical White Lotus rabblerousation?

Wonderer remains a mainstay, Rhinoboy crashes in on occasion, Mad Man P is presently doing the Devil’s advocacy (on behalf of ultrafundamentalist christianity no less), and Smears appears only just recently to be on leave. Curro has dropped briefly in on occasion during my time (I actually didn’t start attending to this site until about exactly a year ago, …the earlier “joined” date for me was the result of a Stumbleupon impulse which didn’t re-pulse for several months).

As alluded to abouve, the member I first became most discursively connected to was Ichthus, who doggedly attempted to show me (and any who might give opportunity, including other Christians who were perhaps her most impressive critics) the light of God. I think she burnt herself out in a very strenuous attempt to fight the impossible battle, and I miss her tenacity & genuine commitment. Indeed, I would have drifted away from this board if she hadn’t complained to others in a thread that she had PM’d me and wasn’t receiving a response (which I was unaware of as I hadn’t been logging in). So, I rejoined the fray and continued to attempt to blow out her light ( ](*,) ). It’s strange what you end up missing.

3G (as I called him, TTG being the accepted acronym (Three Times Great)) being a case in point. Rarely agreed with him either content- or attitude-wise, but couldn’t help getting to know him… and, I think, recognize how his stay here was an influential one for him. Mine has certainly influenced me (I already warned y’all about my maudlin streak above, so suck it in :banana-dance: )…

MrShambles, where are you?

May they all rest in digital peace, maybe to arise again, through puppetdom or otherwise. [-o<

Generally speaking, I think anyone who’s been outright banned gains entry into the “Legends” category by default. At the very least getting a mention in a “Hall of Shame” earns one a Notice of Distinction.

As for particular posters whose contributions I’ve appreciated…

'…in our conception of language, and in the great traditions of philosophy, we have been conditioned to view “knowing” as some kind of “correspondence to” “reality”; language is thought to “reflect” with greater or lesser clarity “what is really there”. So it is very hard to get the “what’s really there” part out of your minds. Once “truth” is seen as an immanent linguistic production of consensus, and not a final-vocabulary, final-audience reading of how things really are, the thing-in-itself can be let go of. As long a language is operating under the - often suppressed - transparency metaphor, the thing-in-itself haunts as a wished for “clarity”.’

That is nonsense, détrop. Stop psychologising me with your petty psyche.- Sauwelios 2/03

That is nonsense, détrop. Stop psychologising me with your petty psyche.- Sauwelios 2/05

My God…the eternal recurrence is true!"[/i]

I play a lot of chess with 3xG, I’ll say hi for you.

We both like it more than philosophy. :astonished: :laughing:

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Perhaps it should go without saying, but one person who I always make time to read their posts is Xunzian. Always well balanced and informative. My own ILP role model!

Hi to All,

A partial list of my most memorable people:

Polmarkus – Very Civil. Well read and knowledgeable on many topics.

Iroel – One of the most intelligent posters. I was absolutely intimidated by his intelligence.

Friedrich – PhD in Philosophy and taught at NYU. To me a little parochial and somewhat disappointing. Called me a swine when I took exception to Rawl’s use of game theory.

Zeno – Most cleaver of all time. (Not to be confused with most intelligent or smart). He had a mean streak but we generally agreed on most things including what we took to be Rawl’s inappropriate use of game theory.

Psyque - I believe he had a doctorate in some psychological field. Took himself seriously and eventually got banned.

Abgrund - Very well read. Generally very civil. When he was criticised for comments considered racist by Ben, he left after he edited all of his 1000’s of comments to read “[removed by management]”.

Ben – founded ILP at the remarkably young age of 16. I liked his post on the derivation of ethics by the use of the repeated Prisoner Dilemma. Though after a while it disappeared from Symposia and I suspect he had second thoughts. I liked his title of janitor very much.

Dunamis – Voted a number of times the best philosopher on ILP. Eventually banned. IF I recall correctly for his personal attacks on Shyster and her ethics.

Shyster – Female. Made a living by directing porno flicks. Very intelligent, and articulate. Submitted one or two first rate articles to Symposia.

Detrope - Well read and very passionate. Was certainly the most often banned member.

The Nietzscheans: A couple of years ago for a couple of years the main people on this site were all interested primarily in Nietzsche. Not scholastic Nietzsche, but supremacist blonde beast Nietzsche. Cezar, Sauwelios, Impious are who I remember off the top of my head. It was so overwrought that it caused the older members interested in Nietzsche, like Nihliistic, Detrop and Daybreak to abandon the discussions altogether. It was one of the darkest times in ILP history.

Rafajafar: He was last seen on ILP probably 5 years ago. He didn’t have a particular depth that comes with studying philosophy for years, but he was sufficiently interesting and creative that I still wish he would return. He was a paragon of middle class twenty-something malaise.

Thirst4metal: Probably the most bizarre ILP member of all. He looked like he had been in out of prison and gangs his whole life, yet, by some incomprehensible set of events, he had decided to spend his days discussing philosophy on the internet. Not particularly witty or intelligent, and rather reserved in his ethics, his most notable achievement is his consistent and utterly unwavering mediocrity in the face of extraordinary conditions. That is what made him interesting.

Nihilistic. That dude was pissed off all the time, but he said some worthwhile things. And what about that Xzc. What a fine lad he was.


True absolutely brilliant puts real work into his posts!

I remember De Trope very well. I learned a lot from “the Nietzschians” though rarely agreeing with them.
Lost some of my infatuation with Nietzsche too along the way!


Can you ask him if he would mind posting his conclusion in our Debate, please?

Thanks Tab, glad to hear he’s still in the game. Has he employed his Psych degree yet? Tell him B.Ed’s where it’s at (as you well know)

Wow. Thanks all for the ILP background check. Keep it comin’!!

Not true, I saw Rafa a few months ago, and even Smooth. I’m rather pissed off that I never get mentioned in these things, it seems it time for me to wreck havoc in the philosophy and social science sections.

Tab, when are we playing chess? I challenge, you take white.

I had an interresting encounter with a Dr.Satanical when first I arrived… strange dude… he kicked my ass pretty good too when I tried arguing with him… So I decided to stick around here and see if I couldn’t learn a thing or two. My first lesson was learning HOW to argue… But even after I picked that up I was still getting my ass handed to me… So my second lesson was to learn how (and more importantly WHEN) to listen (or read as it were).

Had a few choice encounters with Someoneisatthedoor and Xunzian back then that made me want to stick around…
I hated Xun… We almost always agree, but he’s better at making “our” case so when he shows up I feel like I ought to shut up and go away. Though, he sometimes leaves me the scraps off his table… that bastard. :stuck_out_tongue:

And of course Uccisore… my former arch nemesis. Over the years he’s earned my respect, despite his theism, and that makes our exchanges allot less entertaining :stuck_out_tongue:

And of course… the ever diplomatic Carleas needs to be mentioned!

Ben and Will, obviously. Imp too. Shyster is a very good call. Psyque was mental, but provided a lot of entertainment. I never ‘got’ Dunamis, really, but people seemed very impressed. Detrop caused the single most interesting thing ever to happen on ILP ever.