Congratulations to those that your peers have selected to represent you in this debate:
Here are the results:
Xunzian: 24 (ILP Team Leader)
Carleas: 21
Tabula Rasa: 12
Smears: 9 (If there is a fourth debater)
Xunzian, you indicated in a thread that, “I would just as soon have three debaters,” should I consider this an official objection to a fourth debater? If so, Carleas and Tabula Rasa, please cast a vote as to whether (or not) you would like to have a fourth debater.
Any changes to the debate rules and structure are now between you guys and the debaters of ILO, you have 48 hours to post any potential changes to the debate rules/format, and then such changes will be voted on by the debaters. In the event of a tie, the judges will only vote to break the tie.
Your opponents are:
Gamer (ILO Team Leader)
Silent Soliloquy
O.G.?..Gift Please (If there is a fourth)
Before we go either way, I’d like to see what the format is.
Also, how will topics be decided and the side the individual in question is arguing? There is quite a range of interests and specialties represented in that group. Are we doing the debates tag-team style or one-on-one?
I am here to regretfully inform you that TheAdlerian has revoked his offer to participate in this debate as judge. TheAdlerian had legitimate reasons for doing so and did not feel as though he could operate as judge to the fullest extent given his present work-load.
At the same time, I am excited to announce to you that our replacement for the third judge of this debate will be none other than Phaedrus.
I believe that Phaderus will be completely unbiased in his judging of this debate and will consider the debate of both sides without so much as a hint of favoritism, topics will be announced tomorrow or the day after.